Prompt #1: "Satire" Project Brainstorm

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Prompt from January 18th, 2024


Step 1: Brainstorming/Planning

Name: (haha I ain't telling you that sh** but my preferred name is Evan)

Type of Project (bold one):
News Article   Newscast   Comedic Sketch    Original Song   Cartoon    Other   Essay

● What social problem will you examine? What "solution" will you advocate for it?

The social problem that I will examine is how schools, in general, can be corrupt. The solution I would want to see the adults being punished for their corrupt behavior.

● What goal do you have in mind for this satire? What should readers/viewers think or do as a result of your satire?

I want the readers to speak up if they feel they have been wronged.

● How will you present your satire? What ideas / specifics will you include? What supporting details will you use to create your satire?

I chose to present my satire as an essay. I will add in my own personal experiences in the essay too.

● What elements of satire will you use? Will your satire be Horatian (light hearted and humorous) or Juvenalian (dark and bitter?)

My satire will be both Horatian and Juvenalian.



I decided to put multiple of the types of project in bold because you know, I wanted to do more than one. You will see why later, but I will also say it now: because I am working on a Gacha series, my upcoming book will explain it all if you were wondering what the series will be about, so, yeah. But that "article" thing and the cartoon won't be made until a WHILE.

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