Executing the plan 2

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Thea &Keisha's room

Thea: (checks her phone) Look what we have here. (she laughs)

Keisha: What is it again?

Thea: Hmm, it may seem as though Spencer James wants some of Thea's sugar (she smiles)

Keisha: What do you mean?

Thea: I just got a message from him, inviting me for dinner and a movie at his hostel, his room.

Keisha: Really?

Thea: Yes, really. What can i say? I know he can't resist me forever, i already cleared out the obstacle.

Keisha: Find it hard to believe. He would quickly move on from Olivia like that. I thought they were in love.

Thea: Well, now you know.

Keisha: I guess you win then. It is just so sad i was rooting for the two of them.

Thea: Girl, whose side are you on?

Keisha: I am on the side of Love. I don't know what you did, but you work harder than the devil.

Thea: (laughs) I always get what i want. If you are done feeling sorry for them, please help me get ready. I have a date!

Keisha: Alright! What do you plan on wearing?

Thea: I am going for simple, no desperation, just simple, sexy with class. I don't want to appear too desperate.

Keisha: Yea, considering the fact that you got him through that. (rolls her eyes)

Thea: Yea, whatever, mind your business.

Keisha helped Thea get ready for her date with Spencer.

Spencer & Chris' room

Spencer: (on the phone) Babe, she will soon be here

Olivia: Yea, you know what to do? Just get her phone, i am sure we will get something, pictures, messages, whatsoever, especially with that her so-called boyfriend, David.

Spencer: Yes babe, that is true. I miss you and i honestly can't wait for all this to be over.

Olivia: Miss you too, babe. Call me when it is over. I love you.

Spencer: I love you more. Bye.

(a knock on the door, Spencer goes to open)

Thea: Hi Spencer

Spencer: Hi, come in(looks at her from head to toe) You are beautiful.

Thea: (smiles) Thank you, I hope i am not overdressed.

Spencer: No, not at all. You're perfect. Please sit.

Thea: Thank you.

Spencer: So dinner is ready, we can just get right into it.

Thea: That will be perfect.

They both sat down to eat their dinner. Spencer tries to make her comfortable by having brief discussions in between.

Spencer: So, you are finally single?

Thea: Yes, I called it off with David and involved the school authorities, so he can't disturb me again

Spencer: That is good for you. You shouldn't settle for men that hit women.

Thea: Yea. What about you?

Spencer: (smiles as he takes a sip from his cup) well, you already know, my girlfriend called it quit, so I am just taking one step at a time, trying to move forward without her.

Thea: I am really sorry my friendship with you cost you your relationship, i wish there was something i can do to remedy the situation.

Spencer: (wears a fake smile) You have done enough.

Thea: (smiles) Yea

Spencer: Since we are done here, what do you say we go sit comfortably on the couch while we watch our movie?

Thea: Yea, what movie are we watching?

Spencer: You pick.

Thea: Okay... let us do 'the idea of you'

Spencer: Okay, I will get us more wine

They both sit comfortably while they watch the movie. Before the movie ended, Thea dozed off, So Spencer took her phone, tried 2 different passwords, then somehow he decided to use his name, and he was able to gain access to the phone.

Spencer checked her messages with David and find out that the two were actually involved in the conspiracy together. He also saw the pictures of Thea naked on his bed and noticed she had forwarded the pictures to David. After getting all the evidences he needed, he dropped the phone and woke Thea up.

Spencer: Thea, I think you should head back to your hostel. The movie is over and it is getting late.

Thea: (sleepy Thea) I was thinking I will pass the night here. I can keep you company. You know we can do stuffs together, anything you want to do.

Spencer: (getting disgusted) No, Thea, you should get going. We can do whatever some other time.

Thea: Are you shy? I know you like me and trust me; it is mutual. I feel the same way too. So you have nothing to be scared of.

Spencer: (giggles) Yea, right? Please let's call it a night already. Chris should be back anytime from now.

Thea: Okay fine, i will go but i will be back tomorrow, Is that okay?

Spencer: Yes, sure.

Thea: (tries to give him a kiss) Goodnight, babe.

Spencer: (confused) babe? anyway goodnight.

Thea: I had a great time tonight.

Spencer: I am happy you did. Goodnight.

Spencer walks Thea to the door, as she leaves for her hostel. Then he decided to call Olivia and give her the update on the things he found on Thea's phone.

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