Asher's Party

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Asher's Party

This is a major turn up. Everybody knows Asher throws the coolest party ever. Lots of games to be played, drinks and unlimited fun.

Jordan: Spencer, welcome to the happening party. There is no place to be than this place, man, I tell you. (both shake hands)

Spencer: (smiles) this place is dope. Your guy did all this.

Jordan: He sure did, come let me introduce you to the guys.

Jordan and Spencer both walked up to Asher, Jay-Jay and Darnell

Jordan:(swiftly moving to the music) guys, Spencer James is in the building.

They all showed excitement as they welcomed him.

Asher: Where are the ladies at?

Jordan: Oh! They will be here shortly.

Jay-Jay: Oh! That is Simone over there and Layla.

The boys waved to them, and the ladies approached them.

Asher: (hugs Layla, while she stares at Spencer) Hey beautiful, I missed you.

Layla: I missed you too (quickly removes herself from his hug).

Spencer looking here and there, his mind was else where

Jay Jay: I am talking to you Spencer.(as he snaps his finger to bring his mind back to them).

Spencer: My bad, sorry, I was deep in thought.

Jay Jay: Deep in thought at a party??(chuckles) man leave your problem at home and allow yourself enjoy this party.

Layla: You finally came. (she looks at Spencer, who was still stylishly looking everywhere).

Spencer: Yes, I did.

Simone: You seem to be looking for something, or is it someone Spencer? (she teases).

Spencer: (smiles) am i that obvious?

Olivia Pov

Should I go in or not? (speaking to herself as she stays at the entrance of Asher's house.) Liv, get out of your head. It is only a party, and Darnell doesn't matter, anyway. He broke up with me and I have moved on. He should be the one hiding, not me. Olivia says, as she summoned courage and entered the party.

Simone: (spotted Olivia and waved at her). Guys, Liv is here.

Spencer: ( quickly lifts up his head as he has been so engrossed with his phone and looked at Olivia as she approaches them. He said to him silently,) She is beautiful.

Jordan: Did you say anything?

Spencer: No.

Olivia, in a very clingy mini dress, revealing her curves, approaches her friends.

Olivia: Hey guys (smiles)

Layla: Thought you were not coming

Olivia: I was bored, so I changed my mind.

Darnell: Hey Liv, Long time, you look beautiful as ever.

Olivia: (rolls her eyes) thank you.

Darnell: Mind if we go somewhere to talk?

Olivia: Darnell, there is nothing to talk about, i am trying to enjoy my night. Please?

Layla: Olivia, don't be like that. Go talk to him.

Olivia: Babe, I love you, but please stay out of this.

Darnell: Come on, girl, I will not take your time.

Olivia: (Sighs, as she agrees to go) Okay, lead the way.

Both Darnell and Olivia walked to a quiet place, while Spencer kept looking at Olivia as she takes her leave with Darnell.

Asher: Babe, i am coming, i need to take this call (looking at Layla) as he leaves for a quiet place.

Layla changed her sit and moved closer to Spencer.

Layla: Are you enjoying the party, Spencer?

Spencer: Well, parties are not my thing, but I am alright.

Layla: (smiles) you will get used to it.

Spencer: I hope not (saw Darnell and Olivia at a corner talking. Olivia seems pissed).

Layla: Those two lovebirds are always fighting, but they love each other.

Spencer: Oh, is that her boyfriend?

Layla: Well, yes. They are both having some issues now but i know Liv loves him too much to let him go.

Spencer: (Countenance changed) Oh,really?

Layla: Enough about Olivia. Can we have lunch together tomorrow, so we can talk?

Spencer: No, i have a thing tomorrow

Layla: What thing, I can help you?

Spencer: (smiles) thank you, but i am good, maybe some other time.

Layla: You always say that to me.

Asher: What did I miss?

Layla: (adjusted herself on the chair) nothing.

Olivia returns to her friends, looking furious.

Olivia: Guys, i will call it a night. Nice catching up with you.

Spencer: (stood up) Liv, wait, if you don't mind, we go together. I am tired anyway.

Olivia: (nods her head) Fine.

Spencer: Goodnight guys, Layla, please tell Jordan I left. I don't want to disturb him.(smiles) as he watches Jordan and Simone make out at a corner.

Spencer and Olivia walking to where she parked her car.

Spencer: Someone looks pissed, he said as he puts his hands in his pockets.

Olivia: (smiles) I tried avoiding coming out tonight because of...

Spencer: Your boyfriend?

Olivia: My ex-boyfriend.

Spencer: Oh, I thought Layla said...Never mind

Olivia: What did she say? Let me guess that we are still together.

Spencer: Well, yes.

Olivia: Layla (she smiles) What is your deal with my friend, though? Do you like her or you are just leading her on?

Spencer: (chuckles) No, nothing like that.

Olivia: Are you sure?

Spencer: Did she say anything to you?

Olivia: No.

They both got in the car as Olivia drove off to Spencer's hostel, dropped him off.

Spencer: Thanks for the ride.

Olivia: You're welcome

Spencer: So are we friends now?

Olivia: No, still on probation. Good night.

Spencer (sighs) Goodnight.

Olivia drove off to her hostel.

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