Feelings are involved

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Spencer's POV

Spencer finally made it home. His mum and Dillon are still enjoying their break in Ohio. After everything he heard from Layla tonight, he hit the shower so he can relax and get his head cleared.

I need to talk to someone; he said to himself after having his bath. So, he decided to call Chris.

Spencer: Hey man

Chris: Hey, thanks for today. I really had fun.

Spencer: (smiles) don't mention.

Chris: Is everything Ok?

Spencer: (sighs) that is why I called.

Chris: Ok, I am listening.

Spencer: Layla told me something today and I really don't know how to process it. To think that Liv told me, but I thought she was just making up excuses.

Chis: Okay, now I am lost, explain to me like a child.

Spencer: (laughs) you are a child. No jokes, though. I should have believed Liv. Remember the date she stood me up and Layla told me she went with her ex?

Chris: Yeah, I remember.

Spencer: Turns out Layla drugged her, and she slept off.

Chris: Wait! What? Layla did that?

Spencer: I am as shocked as you're. I should have believed Liv, cause she actually told me she slept off.

Chris: Is she aware Layla did that to her?

Spencer: I don't know. Mehn, I honestly thought she wasn't feeling me, so she didn't show up.

Layla was all over me, which makes it easier for me to go along with her. Hearing all these now, Guy, I am confused.

Chris: This is serious. Do you like Liv?

Spencer: (smiles) from the day I saw her in class, and she agreed to do the assignment with me. There is something about her that keeps pulling me to her.

Chris: Interesting. What of Layla? you are in a relationship with her, remember?

Spencer: Yea, I know. I only got with Layla because I thought Liv wasn't interested in me and Layla was there all over me.

Chris: What do you intend to do now?

Spencer: I honestly don't know. If l leave Layla, I will be hurting her. If I don't, I will be stringing her along, knowing I want to be with someone else. It has always been Liv for me.

Chris: Have you spoken to Liv?

Spencer: No.

Chris: I think you need to speak with her.

Spencer: Yes, I owe her an apology for not believing her.

Chris: What will you do about Layla?

Spencer: I just have to be honest with her.

Chris: Yes, you should.

Spencer: Thanks bro, I will talk to you later.

Spencer falls on his bed as he reminisced about the first time he saw Olivia at the park. She didn't even pay him any attention, but right then and there, he knew he wanted to be close to her.

Baker's home

Jordan: Today was fun.(he smiles as he grabs a juice from the fridge).

Olivia: Yea, it was surprisingly fun. I was expecting some drama as usual but I guess my prayer worked.

Laura: (walks in looking confused) what sort of drama?

Jordan: (giggles) I am exiting this conversation now. Liv, I will leave you to it. (he left mother and daughter in the kitchen.)

Laura: (looks at Liv) Are you going to tell me now? everything...

Olivia: Mummy, where do I start from?

Laura: I am listening.

Olivia: Just going through some issues with Layla. We keep clashing, though, we sorted our issues today at the carnival, but I still feel like I will be walking on eggshells whenever I am with her. (Olivia narrated everything that happened between herself, Layla, and Spencer.)

Laura: (shocked) She drugged you because of Spencer?

Olivia: Yes, mum. She did and lied to him that I was with Darnell.

Laura: She is not a friend Liv. Anything could have happened to you. As your mother i don't think i am comfortable with you sharing a room with her. If she can drug you cause of a guy, she is capable of anything. Olivia, i know you always see good in everybody but sometimes you need to flee from people like Layla.(she says with so much worry in her eyes.)

So, what is up with you and Spencer?

Olivia: (gives her mum an I don't understand look) what do you mean by that?

Laura: (smiles) you know what I mean.

Olivia: Spencer and I are just friends. Moreover, he is with Layla and I am not crossing that line.

Laura: Do you like him?

Olivia: (looks at her mum with a teary eyes) It doesn't matter, mum. I guess we are better off as friends.

Laura: (sighs and gives her daughter a hug) It will be fine. If you are meant to be, nothing and no one would change that.

Olivia: I know mum. I was really hoping to give him a chance during the date. But I guess he wanted Layla, and I have to respect that.

Laura: Did he tell you he wanted Layla?

Olivia: He doesn't have to. He is with her. (They both hugged each other.)

Laura: You should go to bed now. It is late.

Olivia: Yea, goodnight mum.

Olivia went to her room as she prepares to go to bed, she receives a text message from Spencer.

Spencer: Hi Liv, please can we meet at Slauson's cafe tomorrow? we need to talk. Please.

Olivia: Okay Spencer. What time?

Spencer: Is 12pm fine?

Olivia: Yea, goodnight...

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