Truth or Dare

112 7 0

Baker's house

Olivia: I am not really interested in playing this game, Simone.

Simone: (looks at her) I know, right, I smell trouble.

Jordan; Common ladies, it is just a game; I am sure it will be fun.

Jay-Jay: Guys come over, Asher, Darnell, please come.

They all gathered at the fireplace to start the game...

Jay-Jay: So, we will do it like this. We will take turns in spinning the bottle. The person that the bottle faces gets to pick either truth or dare, while the person that spins asks or gives the dare.

They all agreed.

Jordan: So, I will spin first. (he spins, and the bottle was facing Darnell). So, Darnell, truth or dare?

Darnell: Truth.

Jordan: What is that one thing you did that you regretted so much?

Darnell: (the room became silent, as Darnell stares at Liv with so much regret in his eyes) I should have treated my girl right. I took her for granted and I regret letting her go.

Olivia: (took a sip from her cup of wine) Please, who is spinning? (she broke the silence in the room). While this was going on, Spencer couldn't help but look at her with a smile.

Darnell: (spins the bottle on Simone) Truth or Dare?

Simone: Dare (he smiles).

Darnell: Okay girl (he laughs) give someone a lap dance for 2minutes.

Simone: (laughs) very easy. (She picked Jordan and gave him a lap dance.) time for me to spin now. (she spinned, and the bottle was facing Layla.) Layla, truth or dare?

Layla: (with a moody face) Truth?

Simone: Hmmm Interesting? (she taps her head gently as she thinks of what to ask) have you been honest in your relationship?

Layla: (taken aback by the question, knowing fully well Simone knew all what she did to get Spencer.) Yes, I have, (she said, looking at Olivia. The room was beginning to get tensed. Layla spins the bottle, and it was facing Olivia.) Liv, truth or dare.

Olivia: (senses that Layla is angry but can't figure out why) Truth.

Layla: Is there anything you want to tell me? (she said with a straight face).

Olivia: (smiles) No. I don't think I owe you anything. (she tries to take the bottle and spin)

Layla: Really?

(Olivia pauses with the bottle while everybody was curious as to what was going on.)

Jay-Jay: Guys, it is a game. Let us continue.

Layla: You know, you are such a hypocrite, Liv. (she moves closer to Liv while Simone and every other person try to stop whatever from escalating) You are so quick to call me the bad friend....

Olivia: (cuts her short) Layla, what is this about? Just say it.

Layla: You want my man? (she looks at Spencer, then back at Liv). Do you want him?

Olivia: (looks at her in shock) No. Why would you think that?

Layla: So, who is Spencer to you and why are you chatting with him?

Spencer: Oh my God, Layla, is this why you are acting up?

Layla: Spencer please, this is between Liv and me. Stay out of it.

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