You might not know me ⚝ Chapter 16

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February 11, 2015

"Agent Miller," A familiar voice said as Verginia sat in the living area of the Avengers tower reading a novel that she just heard of; Harry Potter. She had to admit that it was difficult to live alone for years on end after just coming out of the past like a page in one of the novels she read.

"Director," Virginia addressed Nick Fury in the same formal tone as she looked up from the book.

"Former Director" He corrected with a slight twitch of his lips,

"I think that is the closest thing you have ever done to smiling around me." she grinned at him and fixed the glasses that were sliding down her nose.

"Sure it is. Anyway, I have a mission for you" He announced, making her smile falter at the memories that came with the word mission. "Don't worry, you won't be hurting a soul if it goes as planned. You are retrieving someone we have been tracking down."

Virginia tilted her head to the side "Who is it, sir?" she asked just as Steve and Clint walked into the room making Fury eye them like they just stole from a cookie jar.

"I'll tell you on the ride there. Meet me in the car in 15 minutes." He said before walking out suddenly.

"Well that was bizarre." Steve remarked and sat down on the sofa next to her.

"It really was." Ginny said, nodding and still staring at the door that Nick just left through, "I should go and get ready." she nodded again and stood up before leaving the room.

She ended up putting on a suit that Tony had made her as a proto-type for the "advanced" suit he was making her now. In less than 5 minutes she was ready mainly because she always kept things with her because she is organized and wants to be prepared for anything and everything. So she put on a jacket and made it look like she was just a normal civilian instead of a high-tech avenger.

Soon enough she ran out of things to waste time on and she went outside to meet Fury,

"Only two minutes early." Fury approved as she got into the car next to him. "I still don't know how you get ready so fast." Ginny snorted as he shook her head.

"What is the assignment?"

"You are... Retrieving an old friend of yours."

"Okay, well who is the old friend?" She asked again with a light grin, that suppressed her nervous feeling which made her think that she knew who it was.

"Barnes" The former Director replied simply before looking back at Virginia who was now running her hands through her short hair.

"Shit," she muttered "Why didn't you tell Steve?! that hardly seems fair." She complained, turning back to Fury.

"Rogers has a tendency to react on instinct and not think things out. And also right now we think that he might be more emotionally stable around you."

"Why is that?"

"You have the memory manipulation thing that must be able to help you somewhat."

"Maybe," Ginny tested her head on her hand and watched out the window as they drove over to Brooklyn.

"We know you triggered him some memories. We think that he might be trying to figure things out on those sights." Fury explained farther as they pulled up to the park where the trio became a, well, trio.

"Right." Virginia muttered as she climbed out of the car and shut the door and it drove away. Her eyes started to scan the crowd and look for a certain long haired muscular man who has a metal arm.

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