Silence from Virginia ⚝ Chapter 4

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April 27, 1942

    Dear Steve and Bucky,

I hope this letter finds you both in good health and spirits. It has been too long since I was last able to see your faces, and I miss you both dearly.

I'm writing to you from an overseas battlefield, where I'm serving as a nurse. It was a difficult decision to leave New York and join the war effort, but I'm proud to be doing my part to help win the fight.

I'm sure the two of you are just as committed to helping out as I am, but I know that you both promised me that you wouldn't join the military. I'm so grateful that you two have kept that promise and have chosen to stay together in New York. It's comforting to know that I have friends back home who are safe and sound.

Keep taking care of each other, and know that I'm here with you in spirit.

With love,


That was the only time Virginia wrote.

Since then,

Complete silence from Virginia.

For three months

    Bucky had started to get irritable. She had told him she would write. She had told Steve the same thing. The only explanation was that she- no. he wouldn't go there. She must have forgotten.. Or it got lost in the mail. That had to be it. She couldn't just leave the picture like that.

    Steve had written her a letter in response regarding both him and Bucky. It had said how he was sorry for ignoring her and how he now understood what she did was right. But since Virginia had not responded, Steve had just started to wish that he could unsend the letter.

    The duo, one cool April morning sat in their newfound regular silence.

Bucky read the newspaper silently hoping to get good news that regarded the area in which Virginia was Nursing in. He read through the comics. He also reads through the obituary. Bucky read obituaries of how kids he and Steve knew growing up, had died in the war. Their stories were always incredibly sad. Young men who had so much potential in the world had given their lives to stop some pretentious douchebag who thought he could run the world. Like that could ever happen

Steve drew in his sketchbook, but he didn't draw the tulips in Bucky's Mother's garden. He drew from memory. He drew Virginia. She was all her drawings anymore. But over time the shapes of her face started to seem deformed. Steve longed to see her bright silver glasses sliding down her nose as she read Pride and Prejudice yet again. He longed to watch her and Bucky argue about what toppings to get for their pizza. Or how once the world saw her smile it would shine a little brighter.

But this particular April morning, the sound of the mailbox from outside squeaked open before shutting.

Both Steve and Bucky looked up from what they were doing. Time seemingly slowed down as they both shot from their seats through the door. Bucky, who was taller, faster, stronger, and overall healthier, reached the mailbox first.    

But his hand lingered over the knob. Would this be good or bad news? Would he rather not know than know the trio was permanently a duo?

But Steve did not hesitate. He never did. Before Bucky could stop him the mailbox was open. Steve didn't need to open the letter to know what it contained.

It wasn't from Virginia. It was from the U.S. military.

"Steve," Bucky said in a sad tone. He knew none of his efforts could ever stop Steve.

Dear Mr. Barnes and Mr. Rogers,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and spirits. I heard the news about your beloved A, the nurse in the U.S. Military during World War Two.

We are sorry to say that she has gone missing and I know how difficult this must be for you. We can only imagine the heartache you're feeling. We are so sorry for your loss.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time. I know it's hard, but try to stay strong.

We know Dr. Miller is gone, but the love She shared will stay with all of us forever. I'm sure she would want you to stay positive and keep living life to the fullest.

Take care,

Colonel Phillips

Bucky didn't need to read the letter to know what it said. The expression that Steve made was enough for him.

She was gone.


Neither of them ever told her,

Nobody ever got to love her.

Nobody ever will.

His world melted away.

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