'Just Precautions' My Ass ⚝ Chapter 12

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Virginia's hair flew in the wind as she raced off after the helicarrier. Yellow wisps surrounded her hair and hands which lifted her off the ground. The color of the wisps matched the dark mustered of her shirt.

    Her feet soon touched the ground of the helicarrier and the wisps disappeared around her.

    "People are gonna die, Buck. I can't let that happen."

    "We." She corrected and walked Behind Steve. Steve looked at her both surprised she was there and debating if he should make her leave.  Virginia kept her eyes trained on Bucky.

    "Возвращайся, Паслен, ты нам нужен, чтобы добиться успеха." (Come back Nightshade, we need you to succeed.) Bucky said emotionlessly to her trying to order her like the old days.

    "Никогда'' (Never) She responded calmly with a thick accent. Steve was simply baffled by this small exchange and it didn't help that he didn't speak Russian. He needed to fully know her story now. He shook his head and tried to get his mind back to being the Captain instead of Steve.

He was wearing his old suit which Virginia had already made fun of. Given it was almost 80 years old, but still, It was his suit. "Are you going to history class?" She had asked teasingly. Maria and Sam had laughed but he could only roll his eyes. Bucky would have said the same thing back in the day. Maybe she was trying to do that and bring back old memories.

"Please, don't make us do this," Steve said ignoring their small conversation in some language he did not understand. He pulled his shield off his back and hoped Virginia got out her gun.

Virginia took the gun out of the back of her pants and took off the safety. She did not want to hurt anyone; let alone Bucky or Steve. But if this situation was going where she thought it was, she might need to pull the trigger for the first time in years. She looked down at her shaking hand. Virginia could feel Steve's eyes on her but she didn't look back. She only nodded. Steve threw his Shield which Bucky blocked with his metal arm.

Virginia then jumped forward, her eyes glowing, gun in her hand raised at Bucky. She shot right next to his head to try and scare him a little. She reached him and tried to knock him off his feet hoping he was distracted but he was not. He hit her in the stomach making her roll off to the side.

Steve then tried to hit Bucky but Bucky caught his fist and spun him around, throwing him off to the side of the slope. The data drive slips from Steve's hand and slides to the bottom. Bucky jumps down and grabs Steve putting him in a headlock and stabs Steve in the shoulder. Steve gasps in pain.

Bucky drops Steve and goes to pick up the dropped drive.

"Drop it! Drop it! Drop it!" Steve chants from his place on the floor.

Virginia, who was still on the top level, was getting to her feet. The side of her head was bleeding and she was dizzy. But she saw that the Winter Soldier had the drive in his hand. Without even thinking she picked up her forgotten gun on the floor and shot at him. He blocked it with his metal arm.

Her eyes widened. She had forgotten how well he fought. The Winter Soldier climbed back up to her level. He came up and took her by the throat and threw her off the platform. But this small action gave Steve the time to insert the drive

"Stand by." Steve told his coms system "Charlie-" Steve was cut off by the Winter Soldier shooting him in the stomach the second he turned around.

"Steve!" Virginia yelled to him from the level below as she slowly got to her feet.

"I'm..." he groaned slowly "Okay"

"'Just precautions' my ass," Virginia mumbled as the Winter Soldier paced over to Steve and out of instinct Steve threw him down to Virginia's level.

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