Chapter 24

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Word count: 777 words
Friday 7th May 2007, 10:11pm


Julietta's POV

It's been a few months since anything has really happened. The band released their new album 'Favourite worst nightmare'. I think it's a good album, the song Alex and I wrote is quite popular so is the song 505.

My therapy sessions have been going well, I've been clean since December, so for 6 months. Alex always says he's proud of me for not harming.

Today its Matt's 21st Birthday so we're having a huge party. We are all drunk. Out of all of us, Matt throws the best parties.

For his birthday, I've bought him some new drum sticks, a pack of haribo and some crocs. He hates crocs. He hates crocs with a burning passion.

There's a lot of people here that I don't know, including some girl called Alexa Chung. The monkeys have been going to a lot of award shows, they met Alexa at one of them. She seems very comfortable around Alex. I'm sure she's lovely and I'm just being dramatic.

I pour myself a drink: white wine, gin and apple juice all mixed together. Jamie sees my little cocktail of drinks.

"Jules are you sure you should be drinking that? That's a bit strong"

"James its fine" I sound tipsy when I say that but I don't really care.

"I'll be keeping an eye on you Julietta"

"Yeah whatever" I wander to Alex, he's chatting to Alexa. He sees me coming. 

"Oh Alexa, you haven't met my girlfriend, this is Julietta" Alexa looks angry when Al says 'girlfriend'. She looks me up and down and simply says "Oh". I continue drinking my drink.

"Oh love what you drinking". Alex grabs my glass and takes a swig. "Fucking hell love whys that so strong? What's in it?

"Gin, white wine and apple juice. I had a bit of vodka in the glass before though" 

"Sweetheart, that's very strong. Didn't your therapist tell you to lay off strong amounts of alcohol?"

Alexa pipes up "Oh Jules, can I call you Jules, why are you in therapy?" I shoot Alex a look that says 'why the fuck did you say that'. He just gives me look that says 'Sorry'.

"I umm just struggled with my mental health" I say to Alexa.

"Oh you poor thing" I don't know if she's trying to give a good impression or something but she's just patronizing me and I don't like it.

I see Matt, in the corner so I go over to him. He's drunk and eating the Haribo's I bought him.

"Hey Matt" I say as I sit down on the sofa next to him. 

"You okay?" he slurs a little.

"Yeah, that Alexa girl is annoying me"

"She can be a bit pushy but she's not that bad when you get to know her."

"She looks like she wants to get to know Alex very well if you know what I mean" I say and Matt chuckles.

"Yeah, she's like that with everyone. She's not bad, I promise."

He offers me some of his drink. I have no idea what it is but I accept the offer. 

"Matt what is that?" I pull a face as the liquid burns down my throat.

"It's whiskey, rum and sprite. I was thinking of making a new drink, do you wanna come with me"

"Go on then." I get up, Matt steers me into the kitchen and we begin mixing stuff together.

After a few hours, its 3:06 and I'm still with Matt, incredibly drunk. Jamie has already taken Katie and Nick home, so Alex is taking me home.

 Alex and Alexa wander to us. 

"Why are yous two so drunk?" Alex looks at us as if he's telling us off. He helps Matt up and Alexa goes to help me up from the sofa we're sitting on but I shove her off.

"Don't touch me" I glare at her and Alex grabs my arm, taking me to his car. He sits me down in the front seat and does up the seatbelt whilst I try to protest.

"Alex get off me."

"No, love. Jamie and I told you that drinking wasn't a good idea, so naturally you get drunk anyway. I understand Matt getting drunk, its his birthday after all. But did you really need to drink that much? Was it that hard just to stay away from alcohol for one night?"

"I'm sorry Alex" I say, a stray tear falls down my cheek. I don't know why I'm crying. But being shouted at by my boyfriend wasn't really on my to-do list.

"Darling, I'm sorry-"

"Alex just take me home".


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