Chapter 20

151 4 6

word count:  1000 words

Tuesday 6th January 2007 9:22pm

Alex's POV

I'm drunk. So very drunk.

It's my 21st birthday today. I've been given most of my gifts but Julietta wants to give hers to me in private. Fuck knows why? I'm not going to argue though, its gives me a reason to be alone with her.

She said she was going to meet me in my room however, I've been here for twenty or so minutes and she still hasn't come in. She isn't drunk so it's not like she can say she stopped to get another drink.

I stare at my electric guitar. To be honest, the song she made the other day is actually pretty good. I like it. I've been trying to come up with some lyrics and I was thinking of showing them to her tonight.

Speak of the devil: Jules walks into my bedroom holding a navy blue gift bag, pulling me from my trail of thoughts.

"Sorry, I got stuck talking to your mum. She asked where my shoes were from" she's wearing a pair of doc martens. She sets her stuff and herself down on my bed as if its hers, which its not but she can lay or sit in my bed any time she wants.

"oh" I laugh, giving away any plans to cover up my drunk state.

"Are you drunk Al?" She says as I try to hide the three-quarter empty gin bottle under my bed.

"What? I got bored waiting for you" I pout. "You should have some"

"No Alex, I'm fine" She nonchalantly replies whilst fixing her lip gloss in my mirror. The gloss is a nice dark cherry colour. It goes well with her black dress.

"Have some please. It'll be fine." I say, pouring the liquid into the glass I already put out for her. I then grab her hand and place the glass into it.

"No Alex, I don't want anything. You're drunk. Stop it" Why does she have to be so direct at times. It's cute don't get me wrong but I like to be the direct one.

"Please. Just a sip" I'm still holding the glass into her hand. She reluctantly takes a sip.

"Happy now?"


I sit back down on the bed whilst she rummages through the gift bag. A card is what she pulls out. In a light blue envelope, sealed with a tiny square of tape. I open it and read what she's written inside. It says:

Dear Alex,

Happy 21st Birthday! I hope you have a wonderful day and get everything that you wish for.

You have been nothing but kind to me and I've bought you a few bits just to say thank you for putting up with me. I really hope you love them.

Sorry for making this about me. It's not. Its about you. So I hope your birthday is the day you desire to be.

All my love
Julietta xxxx

I stare at the four kisses. Why four kisses? I love her enough to give her four kisses, in fact I could give her a thousand kisses but would she give me them in return? She might just have put them in the card because its what you're meant to do, therefore making it commonplace like the rest of the cards with kisses written into them. Whatever the reason, I don't mind. She could have written a card that was just full of kisses and I wouldn't have minded.

"Open this first" She hands me a small box. I shake it. It rattles. I tear the gold wrapping paper off to reveal a see-through, plastic box of guitar picks. "You're always complaining that you don't have any." she chuckles.

I set the box down on my bedside table and take the next gift she's holding. Its another small box.

"Now I know two presents is really quite naff but you've been after this for ages. And I couldn't not get it for you." She smiles as I open the present. It's the gold chain that I've been looking at for ages. I'm shocked. How the fuck did she get the money for this? My parents refused to buy it because it was too expensive.

"How the fuck did you get this?" I watch as she takes another sip of her gin, giving into my asking of her to drink some.

"I just took a few extra shifts at the café to get the money. It's no big deal."

"Thank you Julietta." I pull her into my hug and gently place kisses on her forehead as she laughs. 

I let go of her after a short while. She looks up at me. She smiles.  I feel her hand grab my chin and pull me towards her. Next thing I know, I'm kissing her. 

I'm kissing Julietta Cook. The girl I've had a crush on for ages. I doubt we'll remember this tomorrow. We're both drunk after all.

I begin kissing back. Her lips are so soft. So are her hands. I scoot forwards a little and rest my hands on her hips, pulling her into the kiss more.

She begins kissing my lips more and more. I lean forward but she lays down on the bed, breaking the kiss. I quickly lay down too, resting my leg over her whist continuing to kiss her silk-like lips.

Her hands reach up to my face. She holds my right cheek and with the other hand, strokes my hair. I rub little circles on her back. She gets closer, the kisses getting rougher.

"I love you Julietta" I say between kisses. 

She breaks the kiss to say "I love you too Alex. More than you think."

We begin kissing again, this time she's laying underneath me. I begin placing little kisses on her jaw and neck as she runs her fingers through my hair.

Before I have a chance to do anything more, my bedroom door opens.

"Alex. What the fuck are you doing with my sister?"


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