Chapter 2

224 7 3

Word count: 1334

Sunday 25th October 2006 - 10:46am

I get rudely awakened by somebody rings the doorbell, even though I was asleep in my room, my bedroom is above the front door and the hallway which leads from the porch. It's nearly 11am, who knocks on the door at nearly 11 am on a Sunday. 

"Jules can you get that, I'm still in my pyjamas" I don't think mum realises I'm in my pyjamas too.

I get out of my bed and meander downstairs, dragging my duvet with me. The doorbell rings again. I get to the front door, lift the latch and open the door. I see Alex stood there, holding his guitar case, which presumably has his guitar in it. He's wearing a navy blue rugby shirt. I'm guessing he's here for Jamie. 
"Jamie your mates here" I couldn't hear any of Jamie's reply. So I lead Alex to Jamie's room. I know he's been here so many times that he knows the way to Jamie's room but it's just what you do when someone comes round. 

"Thanks darling" he says in his usual tone. I turn and walk back to my room.

I hear their talking from across the hall then shortly I can hear Jamie's guitar. It's loud. Too loud for a Sunday morning. I bang my fist on the wall and the side of my hand goes red. It will be fine in a few minutes.

"Can you turn it down a bit please?" I ask

"Yeah fine" Jamie replies.

They turn it down a little but the noise still bugs me, I realise I'm not going to have a lie-in in piece. Therefore, I grab a hoodie from out my wardrobe, put it on over my pyjamas and head downstairs.

A few hours later, Jamie and Alex come downstairs, they find me in the living room, watching tv. Alex begins putting on his shoes, presumably getting ready to leave. He balances on his left foot in order to do up the laces of the knackered shoe on his right. Jamie leaves to go get something. Then it's just Alex and I in the room. I sit and he stands there. Both in silence. After a few seconds, he pipes up.

"You going to the Halloween party next weekend?"

"yes" I reply bluntly.

"your friends going?"

"yes" Blunt, again. 

"what are you gonna go as?"

"I don't know, Ghostface maybe? I haven't decided" The part about not deciding get was in fact a lie. I'm going to the party dressed as Ghostface from the original scream movie. I lied because I didn't want Jamie to overhear. We always have a costume reveal on Halloween. We'll put on our costumes, walk downstairs and show mum and she gives a small pack of sweets to the winner.  "What are you going as, Alex?"

"I'm not sure, I was thinking about being Ghostface too but seeing as your doing doing that, I wouldn't want to steal the spotlight." What spot light? If there's any spotlight, metaphorical or not, I don't want it on me. "I might go as a skeleton, its simple but as the saying goes: 'less is more' am I right?

I smile at his attempt at a sort-of joke.  At that moment, Jamie comes back in and says

"oh Alex. Flirting with my sister are we?" He always makes jokes like that, but he doesn't actually mean that. 

Alex goes red.

"Right I have to get going, bye mate." and with that, Alex was gone.

I look as Jamie as he walks back into the living room. He's holding a bowl of cereal. Rice crispies to be specific. I too, like cereal.

"Jamie do you want to watch a horror movie with me?" I elongated the last word. Jamie has always watched movies with me when I asked. we both love horror movies even though we both know that he shits his pants at the jump scares.

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