Chapter 12

141 3 0

Word count: 680 words

Friday 14th of December 2006, 10:38am

Julietta's POV

I stared at Jamie who is stood in my bedroom doorway as I sit wrapped in my duvet, on my bed.  I saw he was holding the box of Christmas decorations with our fake Christmas tree in it's box, by his feet.

It was nearly Christmas and I've never been so excited. I love Christmas, its the most wonderful time of the year. And every year on Christmas day my family has a  big party with Alex family. Penne and my mum are best friends, David and my dad are best friends and Alex is Jamie's best friend.

Jamie stands there, with a little bit of tinsel around is neck like a scarf. 

"Do you want to decorate the tree?" he asks as I eagerly get out of by bed.

"Is that even a question?" He lets out a chuckle at my response. I pick up the box with the tree in it and carry it downstairs as Jamie follows.

I get the pieces of the tree out of the box. It's one of those fake trees with the 3 different parts that slot together if you know what I mean. 

I gently slot the bottom piece into the base, the middle piece into the bottom piece and then, finally, the top piece into the middle piece so that it becomes a complete Christmas tree. 

Whilst I was doing this, Jamie had gotten all of the decorations out of the box. I looked amongst the many decorations until I found the mirror ball tree topper that I bought last year. I thought it would look really nice on the top of the tree.

Midway through us decorating the tree, I ask "Have you written any new songs?"

"Yeah we have a few, we have one called teddy picker, one called 505 and one called only ones who know." 

"Oh that's good, maybe I can listen to them some time."

"Okay" he chuckles "maybe on Christmas day, when we have a party with Al and our mates, you and Katie can tell us what you think of the songs."

"Okay" I giggle too.

After another period of silence, Jamie finds all of the Christmas costumes in a box of what he thought was another box of tree decorations. 

"Oh my fucking god!" he says excitedly as he puts on a Santa hat. "How'd I look?" he asks

"Fabulous. But I look better" I say as I put on an elf hat with elf ears. "I look stunning." 

Around 20 minutes later, we're still wearing the Santa and elf hats but we're nearly done decorating the tree. The only thing that is left to put on is the small mirror ball for the top of the tree. 

I hold onto one side of the mirror ball whilst Jamie holds the other; together, we place it on the top of the tree, stepping back to admire out work after. The tree looks beautiful, it stands to the left of the tv with pretty, white fairy lights wrapped around it, all of the decorations being displayed from each branch and the mirror ball sitting on the top.

"I think it looks nice" Mum says as she walks in to the living room, cup of tea in hand. 

"Can I have one?" I say, referring to Mum's tea.

"There's two in the kitchen hun, one for you and one for Jamie." she replies.

" Oh cheers mum" Jamie says as we leave the living room and enter the kitchen to see my red mug which has my name written on it in black and Jamie's football mug.  I begin to drink mine whilst walking back to the living room to watch some tv with mum. She's turner the tv on and she's watching the chase (FOR ANYONE WHO DOESN'T KNOW, THE CHASE IS A BRITISH QUIZ SHOW)

I sit beside her and wrap myself up in a blanket and continue to drink my tea.


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