Chapter 14

128 3 5

Word count: 1395 words


Thursday 25th December 2006, 5:47 pm

Julietta's POV

It's the day of the Christmas party. I'm trying on various clothing options to see what looks best but nothing looks good. Either it makes me look to fat, its too short or you can see my cuts when I wear it. Honestly how am I meant to look nice if everything looks horrible.

The party doesn't start until an hours time, but I still need to pick what to wear, do my makeup, do my hair and meet with Katie, Jamie and Alex. We're meeting at Alex's house: its his mum's party and Jamie, Katie and I are going because our parents are good friends with Penny and David, Alex's parents.

I stare at the two dresses in my hand and let out a mini scream in frustration.

"You alright, Jules?" Dad says as he pops his head around my door to see if I'm okay.

"I just can't pick out what to wear"

"You'll look nice in whatever you wear, you always do" I find this hard to believe. He's just saying that because I'm his daughter and you have to be nice to you children. Even though I am twenty and can handle the truth. 

"Why don't you wear the dress that you wore last year?" Dad adds whilst walking into my room and sitting on the bed.

"But I wore that last year. I don't want to make it look like I only own one dress."

"You won't look like that"

"I will," I defensively say "I wore that dress to last years Christmas party, Jamie and I's birthday party and the Halloween party. They are the only parties I have been to this year and I wore the same dress to each of you."

"Tell you what, I'll let you into a little secret" He says and I giggle a bit.


"Your mother is wearing what she wore last year. It really doesn't matter if you wear it again Jules." 

I laugh a little at Dad's attempt to cheer me up. I get up and show dad the two dresses I was thinking of picking; A red dress with a little slit up the leg and the black dress I wore to the Halloween party.

"Okay Dad, which one?"

"Rachel! Jamie!" He shouts and Mum and Jamie come in.  "What one should Julietta wear"

"The red one, Its christmassy" Mum says cheerily

"Umm I dunno, the red one" Jamie says.

"And I think the red one too." So that's three  votes for the red one." Dad smiles and hugs me.

"Okay" Mum, Dad and Jamie leave the room and I put on the dress, then sit down on my desk chair which I have moved over to my mirror so I can use the mirror. I dig through my desk drawer and find my primer, foundation, concealer, eye liner and a cherry flavoured lip gloss.  

Once my makeup is done, I straighten my hair and check the time. It is 6:15. Shit, I'm late. How the fuck did I manage to be late.

I quickly put on a leather jacket and some black boots. I grab my phone and wander down stairs to Mum waiting for me.

"Ready to go hun?"


We walk across the street and David greets us from the door. 

"Yeh alright?"

"Yeah, you David?" My mum says

"Yeh. Penny and Al are just in the livin' room" I always thought that the Sheffield accent was more prominent in David than it was Alex.

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