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GL:You know, I think we're winning

The slightly cocky and strained voice of Hal Jordan echoed through the almost empty street of Metropolis.

It was nearly empty barring the horde of golden aliens and Green Lantern as well as the towering rage monster Hulk.

The emerald inter-galactic police officer had constructed an anti-aircraft out of the energy of his ring and was using the construct to shoot approaching Parademons from the sky and on the ground.


Hulk roared as he clapped his hands together that made a thunderous boom and sent dozens of Parademons in front of him flying down the destroyed and car littered street.

The Hulk felt a wave of fire hit his back and turned to see several aliens trying to roast him alive.

The Hulk let out a grunt of annoyance has he picked up what was left of a taxi and hurled it at the now fleeing aliens that realized his intentions when he grabbed the vehicle.

The Hulk sported a savage grin as he saw the Parademons crushed and maimed by the car before turning his attention to the sky and surrounding buildings for anymore aliens for him to crush.

Seeing none the Hulk let out a huff as he listened in on distant gunfire from local authorities and military personnel that arrived earlier to help defend the city.

Sadly only around 500 men and women with a dozen tanks had arrived to help the heroes as almost 80 other cities in America and over a hundred around the world were under attack by thousands of these flying monstrosities.

You:Well at least they haven't replaced thousands of people like the Skrulls did

Y/N replied inside the Hulk's head

Hulk nodded before leaping to the top of a building in a single leap with Green Lantern flying behind him.

Once at the top the two or three if you count , took in the scene and couldn't help but feel a little worried at what they were witnessing.

Hundreds of Parademons were still flying in the sky and literally raining fire down on the city while Superman and Powergirl were trying and failing to stop the horde.

Numerous skyscrapers beneath them were covered in demonic alien fire as they burned a sinister red and orange color through the early morning air.

Hulk even saw a few buildings begin to collapse in the distance, he and Y/N could only hope they was no one nearby or worse in the buildings when they came down

There's just no end to these things

Hal said as he stared at what could only be described as the end of the world.

Hulk looked down at his fellow green hero and saw that the blood covered man was also sweating and seemed exhausted from the hour long continuous fighting.


Hulk said in as soothing of a tone as he could muster which was difficult considering how deep it was.

But it still seemed to have helped as Lantern took a deep breath before looking towards the heavily muscled being

GL:Yeah, it's just saying it is one thing. Actually pulling it off is something else entirely

Hal said before he held up his ring and began to speak in a firmer tone

GL:We're going to need help if we want to pull this off first. This is Green Lantern of Sector 2814. I have a class two civilization under attack by what appears to be a class 9 and require immediate re-enforcements, can anyone respond over

DC New 52:World Breaker Comes (Male Hulk Reader x DC)Where stories live. Discover now