New World for Smashing

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All was quiet in this vast expanse of Russian tundra, a herd of Elk were crossing the vast land for food, a small rabbit was at a nearby stream drinking water, a giant hole of cosmic energy ripping open 600 feet in the air having a large meteor like object flying out of it at the speed of sound, birds flying south to... wait what?

The meteor that had come from the now closed cosmic hole collided with the Earth, with the force almost on part with a nuclear explosion, causing massive tremors and damage for dozens of miles around and creating a 500 foot wide and 200 foot deep crater.


Came a very, very enraged roar from what appeared to be the crater.

A large figure leaped from the bottom and landed almost 200 feet away from the crater... and created an even small crater with its landing.

The figure which in the moonlight revealed to be emerald green with dark short brown hair and wearing some kind of black high tech pants stood at its full height of 10'9 and almost 1100 pounds of pure muscle and rage.

The figure which in the moonlight revealed to be emerald green with dark short brown hair and wearing some kind of black high tech pants stood at its full height of 10'9 and almost 1100 pounds of pure muscle and rage

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Hulk looked around him with his green eyes for anything that could fight him or pose a threat and after seeing only vast open plains of the Siberian Russia he seemed to calm down... slightly.

???:Hulk... the hole closed after we were cleared from it

An unknown voice that caused Hulk to look around him again before seeing not 10 feet from him a figure.

The figure in question was a man who appeared to be in his late 30's at 5'9 and had short almost shaved brown hair and was dressed in black pants, black shoes and a purple shirt.

The man was Y/N Banner, one of the smartest men in the world and the alter ego to the Incredible Hulk

Hulk quickly covered the distance to the man and shoved his face in Y/N's and roared


Y/N looked at the green behemoth for a second trying to figure out an answer to the Hulk's demand before saying

You:Not sure... could be for any reason at this point in our lives. Stark and the Illuminati could have screwed us over again, a higher power wants to test us, or just bad luck.

The Hulk let out a low growl at the mention of Stark.

He and Y/N never really forgave him or the members of the Illuminati for banishing them from Earth and sending him to one of the most brutal planets they have ever been to.

And unknown to many, months after Y/N and Hulk returned looking to extract vengeance on their so called 'friends and allies', Y/N was searching through Stark's systems on the designs of the rocket that was used to take him to Sakaar and eventually destroyed it and killed the love of his and Hulk's life, Caiera

DC New 52:World Breaker Comes (Male Hulk Reader x DC)Where stories live. Discover now