Invasion continues

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We now come to find our group of odd heroes in a small warehouse owned by the Daily Planet.

The assembled group consisted of Hal Jordan aka Green Lantern of sector 2184, Dinah Lance aka Black Canary, Oliver Queen aka Green Arrow, Barry Allen aka The Flash, Bruce Wayne aka Batman, Clark Kent aka Superman and finally Y/N Banner aka Hulk.

They were all surrounding the alien device that Hal picked up earlier when he first encountered the hostile aliens and still yet has to find any information on it like what it is, who made it, where it's from, etc.

It was also said hero that spoke up first

Hal:I say we crack it open and see what's inside

Hal was currently forming a green mallet and was raising his hand in preparation to smash it open.

Batman however quickly caught Lantern's arm with a firm grip and in even firmer voice said

Batman:Have you stopped and even think about what could happen if you try to destroy this thing without even knowing what it is?

Green Lantern frowned

GL:Uhh... we find out what it is?

Oliver slapped his forehead at the answer as he began to see what Batman or Bruce Wayne has he found out from Superman or should he say Clark Kent not long after the 'brawl' they had at the construction site.

Dinah wasn't too surprised to find out that Batman was Gotham's resident billionaire and Hulk didn't seem to care either way as he was still glaring at Superman who was returning an even stare to the giant green mountain of rage and muscle.

Batman:This could very well be a bioweapon of some sort and if you open it out here it could spread like wildfire and there wouldn't be a damn thing modern science could do to stop it. And that's assuming it isn't some kind of bomb that could possibly wipe out half the Western Hemisphere in seconds!

GL:Ohh... defiantly don't need that happening

Lantern said as he dispelled the mallet he was about to use on the strange box from another unknown alien world

Flash was currently using his high powered lenses to better observe the alien device

Flash:Hmm from what I can see there aren't any visible creases or seems that might let us open it. Assuming of course that there's even a way or that it can be open

Superman frowned at the answer as he turned away from his staring contest with the Hulk

Superman:Why would these guys go through so much trouble for a piece of metal? If it is a bomb and these things do intend to invade why not detonate them now?

Black Canary who was standing next to the Hulk decided to speak up

BC:A friend of mine said that it's possible these are some kind of teleportation devices that will allow these things to bring in massive amounts of troops quickly and allow them to take out any threats quicker and more efficiently.

GL:And who was this friend?

Black Canary merely pointed her thumb to the hulking mass next to her who replied with a grunt


Batman:So you've met these things before?

Batman questioned the green goliath who shook his head

GA:He's from an alternate Earth. There he's faced alien threats that were behind invasions that are similar to the one we might be facing at least in terms of how they operate

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