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Goten,Spidey and Kuriza make it to the lookout.They took nappa with them.
Kami:I saw what happened,lay him inside the chamber.
Goten:Right,then we'll head back.
Kami:No,I'm sorry Goten,but you and Kuriza have to stay here.
Kuriza:But why?
Frieza:If the 5 of us can't stop him,you are our last hope.
???:You mean 6.
The group looks to the right to see Haze shenron.
Haze shenron:You guys have given tooth and nail for me,time for me to do the same.
Cooler:If you're sure.
Piccolo:Let's go.
The group leaves as Goten and Kuriza are left alone.They walk into the chamber carrying Nappa,as they enter they also see bra in the chamber.
Goten:You okay?
Bra:I'm fine,is my dad okay?
Goten:He'll live.
Goten lays Nappa down on one of the beds. Goten sighs as he looks down.
Bra:What's wrong?
Goten:I feel useless.
Bra holds Goten's face in her hands.
Bra:Don't say that,whatever you're here for,it's a reason.
Goten looks up to bra,the two come together and kiss.
Kuriza:I have an idea.
Kuriza walks out of the chamber and Goten follows.
Kuriza:Bulma had a device to communicate with Whis correct?
Kuriza:Let us find it.
Kuriza and Goten take flight towards capsule corporation.They arrive and search through it. Eventually,they find the device.They tap on it and hear whis's voice.
Whis:Hello Goten.
Goten:Hey Whis,we need you to train us.
Whis:Very well,I'll be there shortly.
A pillar of light suddenly appears behind Goten and Kuriza,fading to reveal Whis and Beerus.
Beerus:Things sure have changed since the last time we visited.
Whis:Shall we?
Goten:Yes.But we need to do it in the time chamber for as much time as possible.
Whis envelops the group in a pillar of light as they all teleport towards the time chamber.

In the city
The Z-fighters arrive at the city to see destroyed metal and buildings.They look around,but see no one.Suddenly,the group hears laughing.They look behind to see baby holding Goku's unconscious,shirtless and bleeding body.Baby closes his eyes and lets out a sound of pleasure.
Baby:Ah,you have no idea how amazing this feels.To watch the people who wronged me and my species falling down.And the best part?You all used to think you were so powerful,so big and smart,but when faced with POWER and ANGER?
Baby drops Goku.
Baby:You all fall.
Before Goku drops down,Spider-Man catches him and gently lays him onto the ground.Kami floats forward,floating in front of baby.
Kami:That's what this is about?Superiority?
Baby:This is about vengeance.
Kami:Whatever the saiyans did to you,these saiyans are not at fault for.They and the rest of this planet bear no ill will towards your species. There's no need for this.
Baby:Maybe there is,maybe there isn't.Why should I care?This is what I was made for.
Kami:So you're just another machine?No free will or goals?
Baby:I was only given will to kill the saiyans, and my only goal is to revive my species.I've already infected this entire planet,so now all that's left...
Baby takes a fighting stance.
Baby:Is to kill you.
Kami:So be it,
Kami floats still as his body becomes motionless.A pressure overcomes baby and everyone else as Kami clenches his fist.A halo of light appears behind his back as he releases a fierce wave of power.
Kami:It's time we end this.
Kami and baby clash,creating a large shockwave.Frieza and cooler turn into their golden forms,piccolo combines his transformation with the symbiote and turns into carnage.Android 21 turns into her Majin form.Kami punches baby in the face and breaks his nose.Bany retaliates with a strong kick that actually hits Kami and sends him back.Baby grabs his nose and pops it back into place.21 and carnage fly in from two different sides.Baby puts his arms up and blocks both of them.Baby grabs carnage and 21 by their faces and slams them into each other.As the two are stunned,baby envelopes his hand in energy.
Baby:Bomber DX!
Baby blasts both of them and sends them flying.Cooler flies towards baby and tackles him as the two struggle and wrestle together through the air,frieza and Kami and Spidey give chase.Cooler and baby continuously punch each other in the face as they fly through the sky. Baby stops punching and puts his hand to cooler's face,he launches a point blank blast but cooler keeps his grip.
Golden cooler:You won't shove me off that easily!
Cooler looks back to see Frieza and Kami,he then throws baby at the duo.Frieza charges energy in his fist and gut punches baby.As baby floats back stunned,Spider-Man puts his hands forward and launches a blast of energy.As baby flies back,he takes notice of his energy, even with his servants giving him energy,he has less than usual.Baby starts pondering on the issue but sees Kami flying towards him.
Baby(thinking):He's awfully eager to get another hit in.Hmm.
Baby recovers and awaits Kami's hit.He taps into a large bundle of his servants energy just in time and manages to avoid Kami's punch. Kami then throws a kick,but baby steps onto his leg and jumps off of it.
Baby:Hehehehe,I get it now.Your using some power to drain my energy,but you actually have to touch me to be able to use it.
Suddenly,baby feels a sudden surge of weakness through his body as he hears cackling,he looks back to see Haze.
Haze shenron:He may need to touch you,but I don't.
Baby flies towards haze,but Spider-Man appears in front and puts his hand forward,he shoots a web onto baby's face and blinds him. As baby tries to remove the web,haze bombards baby with an energy draining poison.Baby starts to lose more strength a she descends to the ground,he eventually lands and falls to his knees in exhaustion.The Z-fighters land and close in,but as they do,baby smiles. Baby grips his face again and rips the web right off.He then yells and generates a force that pushes all the fighters back.Baby laughs maniacally as he is enveloped in violent and dark flames.
Kami:This power!This is Vegeta's dark form!
The flames shrink to show baby in a new form.

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