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Vegeta wakes up to a beep on his phone.He checks it to hear the voice of his girlfriend, valese.
Vegeta:What's up honey?
Valese:Hey,I've actually been calling for a while,but didn't hear you.
Vegeta:Sorry,I'll make it up to you.
Valese:Aw,well aren't I lucky?I'll be waiting.
Vegeta and Valese hang up as Vegeta gets dressed and heads out.In mere minutes,he arrives at his girlfriend's house,a woman with brown hair steps out.

In mere minutes,he arrives at his girlfriend's house,a woman with brown hair steps out

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Valese:Woah!How'd you get here so fast?!
Vegeta:I can fly.
Valese:Oh right,I keep forgetting.
Vegeta:Where to?Pick anywhere you want.
Valese:Well if that's the about the mountains?
Vegeta lifts valese off of her feet and takes flight into the air.
Vegeta:Hold on.
Vegeta boosts at high speeds to the mountains and arrives in mere seconds.Vegeta sets his lover down ands sits beside her.They gaze upon the nice blue sky.
Valese:Isn't it beautiful?
Vegeta:Not as beautiful as you.
Valese grabs her cheek and waves her other hand.
Valese:Oh stop it!You little sweet talker.
Vegeta and valese grabs each other's hands and tightly hold them together.
Vegeta:Honestly,this reminds me of when we first met for some reason.
Valese:Oh my gosh,it kinda does.
Vegeta was flying over to school one day and landed on the roof,as he goes towards the door he hears an unfamiliar voice.
Valese:Ah ha!Gotcha!
Vegeta looks behind him to see valese pointing her finger at him triumphantly.
Valese:Here's the deal,I won't tell anyone-
Vegeta dashes in front of valese and grabs her by her face,completely covering her mouth.
Vegeta:Your right,you won't tell anyone.Your gonna shut up,walk down by yourself,and not a peep of what you just saw will leave your lips.Because if anything happens,I'm coming for you.
Vegeta lets go of valese's face and walks through door and down the stairs.Valese was completely silent,even for the whole day she said nothing.The next day,Vegeta hears a ring on his doorbell.He opens it to see valese.
Vegeta:What are you doing here?
Vegeta:Out with it.
Valese:There's this new restaurant that opened up,and I was wondering...if you wanted to check it out with me?
Vegeta slams the door in her face and walks away.
Valese calls out her and over again,but hears nothing back.She walks away in sadness. Vegeta relaxes on the couch,Bulma walks out curious.
Bulma:Who was that Vegeta?
Vegeta:Just this bitch from school.
Bulma:Hey!What did I say about cursing?!
Vegeta:Probably something you had no business saying.
Bulma:What's that supposed to mean?!
Vegeta:You have the mouth of a sailor. Honestly,I could say so many things about that bitch that'd make you seem like a saint.
Bulma:Are you implying that I'm not a saint?
Vegeta blankly stares at Bulma,who walks away in offense.The day ends a sad one for valese,but she has high hopes for the next day. She wakes up the next day and immediately tries to see Vegeta,she runs at high speeds and sees Vegeta walking to school.However she was so excited she doesn't pay attention to the street,a speeding armored truck is right about to hit her when suddenly,Vegeta appears right between her and the truck.Vegeta puts his hand back towards the truck and releases a burst of energy.The truck is completely gone, not even any dust or specks remained.Valese widens her eyes in shock.
Vegeta:Stop following me.
Vegeta:Or what?You'll come up with another blackmail?
Valese:I-I'm sorry that I did that.
Vegeta:No you're not,you're sorry it didn't work.
Vegeta walks away but starts to hear sounds of...crying?He looks back to see valese starting to tear up.
Valese:I-I am...really sorry.
Vegeta lets out a sigh and holds valese's hand.
Vegeta:Quit your crying,come on,we'll be late for school.
Vegeta runs and takes valese with her.From that day,Vegeta chose to be nicer to valese, and she made a formal apology about the blackmail attempt.Eventually,after all the grievances,Vegeta realizes what an actual nice person Valese was,and became attracted.
And they became a couple.
End of flashback
Vegeta and Valese stare at each other and smile once again.
Valese:I know so said it already,but I am really sorry.
Vegeta:I forgive you.
Begay and Valese stare back at the beautiful blue sky.

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