The next generation Pt.2

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(I have now picked the new suit for Spider-Man.But it's a surprise for now.)

Videl was helping Vegeta with some homework.
Videl:So,what's 2 X 5?
Vegeta:I think that's...what,7?
Videl:No no no,multiplying 5 by 2 is basically adding 5 to itself twice.
Vegeta:So it'd be...10?
Videl:Yep!And you're all done,you only struggled on the last one question.Great job!
Goten came flying into the house with excitement.
Goten:Hey Vegeta!Are you ready to do some training?
Vegeta:You bet!Come with us Videl.
Videl:Actually I was going to go see goh-
Vegeta and Goten lifted videl off the ground and threw her out of the house.
Goten:Get out of here and go see him!Make the move!
Vegeta:Don't let your dreams be dreams!
Video blushes as the boys went to the gravity chamber.
Vegeta:You and me!
The boys clash at an even pace,they fight for hours and hours as their session is interrupted by someone knocking on the door.
???:Excuse me?
The boys open the door to see-

???:Excuse me?The boys open the door to see-

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Dende:Hello,my name is dende.I need your guys help.
Vegeta:Are you the guy who healed my dad on that green alien planet?
Vegeta:Then I owe you a dept,how do I repay it?
Dende:The truth is,our planet is under threat again.
Goten:We'd love to help but,shouldn't our dads do it instead?
Dende:I had asked them prior to coming here, and they said to come to you.
The boys agree and follow dende to a space ship.Their mothers see them off.
Chichi:Be careful Goten.
Bulma:Come back safe Vegeta.
The boys kissed their mothers goodbye and got in the ship with dende.The ride is very quick.
Goten:This spaceship is so cool!
Dende:Isn't it?Bulma built it with your consumed friend.
Dende:Yes.With his help,we'll be there in no time.
True to the namekians word,they were already nearing the planet.The group sees a white object latched on to the planet.

Vegeta:So what are we dealing with here?Dende:These armies of robots came to our planet,asking for Goku,spider-man,and nappa

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Vegeta:So what are we dealing with here?
Dende:These armies of robots came to our planet,asking for Goku,spider-man,and nappa. Then this device latched onto our planet.
Goten:Don't worry,we've got this.
The boys stepped out and saw more namekians running away,they flew over to see a multitude of robots.

The boys stepped out and saw more namekians running away,they flew over to see a multitude of robots

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