The tournament of power pt.2

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Note:I made a mistake last chapter,I forgot to put cell in.But now I have fixed it,Cell is in the tournament but is sticking to the plan.

Goten and Jiren stare at each other.Jiren flexes and releases a wave of energy,Goten copies the action,causing the waves to clash.
Beerus:How-how can mortals have so much energy?!
Jiren looks at Goten with interest.Goten and Jiren lunge at each other and both throw devastating punches.Their clash creates a shockwave felt throughout the entire realm. Goten throws a punch that Jiren blocks,but the strength of the punch still sends Jiren off of his feet,Jiren flies into a boulder,Goten pursues a throws a powerful kick,this time actually hitting Jiren in the stomach.Goten pushes with his kick,taken him and Jiren into the boulder, Jiren flexes his muscles and releases a burst of energy that destroys the boulder and sends Goten flying.Goten recovers as Jiren and him clash in the air.They clash and fight intensely in the air.Jiren knees Goten in the stomach and smashes him down to the ground.Goten recovers before landing safely as Jiren pursues with a powerful punch.Goten rolls out of the way and jumps into the air.He pulls his arms back.
Goten throws a devastating beam headed straight for Jiren.Jiren puts his hand up,but to his surprise,the blast persists.Jiren manifests energy around his fist and condenses it.He throws a punch's of energy that literally rips through the beam and hits Goten square in the chest.Goten is in massive pain as he falls down.
Goten quickly stands up as he charges at Jiren.
Jiren flexes his eyes,releasing a flurry of energy and combos Goten,hitting him with seemingly invisible attacks.Goten is sent flying and confused.Vegeta looks over to them.He's already taken down the other pride troopers besides Dyspo.Vegeta walks to them before a larger pride trooper lands in front of him.

Vegeta walks to them before a larger pride trooper lands in front of him

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Toppo:I will be your opponent!
Vegeta:Your funeral.
Vegeta and Toppo clash.Toppo surprises Vegeta with his physical strength.Vegeta and Toppo clash at an even but intense pace.Toppo leaps back and puts his hand forward.
Toppo:Justice flash!
Toppo releases an array of blasts from his fingers.Vegeta laughs as he manifests dark flames around his arms.He pushes them out as the flames swirl into 2 dark claws.

He pushes them out as the flames swirl into 2 dark claws

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The claws sweep the blasts away.Vegeta runs to Toppo while the claws continue to deflect for him.Vegeta gets to Toppo and gut punches him.Vegeta uppercuts Toppo into the air.Vegeta swipes his hands together as the claws slash Toppo,tearing through his uniform and causing him to bleed.Vegeta pulls his arm back and manifests energy in his palm.
Vegeta:Bomber DX!
He throws a red energy wave that hits Toppo dead on.However,the dust is dissipated as Toppo yells.Toppo lands,ready to fight.
Toppo:Is that all?
The universe 7 team looks to see their two fighters.
Cooler:Universe 11 also seems to have capable warriors.
The fighters look to see warriors from multiple different universes coming for them.As the warriors lunge and strike,the whole team jumps into the air.
Android 21:Total detonation ball!
Nappa:Giant storm!
Nappa puts his two finger into the air,the ground before the warriors suddenly erupt into a pillar of energy,sending them into the air. Spider-Man uses telekinesis to bring the foes together as Android 21 throws her blast.The warriors are sent out of the ring.
Champa:You stupid idiots!Don't tag with other universes!
Goten looks back at his team and smiles.Jiren is annoyed and throws a powerful punch,but to his surprise,Goten dodges without even looking.Goten uppercuts Jiren and grabs him by the leg.Goten spins around and around and throws Jiren to the edge.Jiren recovers and charges straight down into the ground.Goten leaps at Jiren,but Jiren leaps at him and grabs him by the neck.Jiren drives Goten into the ground hard,breaking it.Goten kicks Jiren off of him.As Jiren flies through the air,Goten slings a powerful blast at him,sending Jiren flying.Jiren recovers and manifests his own energy ball.He throws it as it violently homes in on Goten.Goten barely rolls out of the way, but the blast explodes,still hitting Goten and sending him flying.Goten recovers in the air as he and Jiren violently clash once again.Jiren releases a burst of energy and begins to overwhelm Goten.Jiren kicks Goten to the ground and lands in front of him.Jiren grabs Goten by his leg,but Goten quickly kicks Jiren in the head and escapes.Goten starts to pant as Jiren stands plainly.
Spider-Man:Goten!We're going to swap places.
Goten:Good idea.
Jiren:Your running?Pathe-
Spider-Man suddenly appears in front of Jiren and double knees him in the face,surprising him.Jiren feels a lot of pain as Belmod is shocked.
Belmod:H-How's he so fast!?
Jiren is also shocked,Spider-Man lunges for him and throws a punch that Jiren attempts to block.But Spider-Man switches targets and goes for jiren's gut.He punches Jiren in the guy so hard he lifts and holds Jiren in the air with his fist by his stomach.Spider-Man pulls his arm back as Jiren lands and recovers.Jiren stands up and immediately throws a punch,but Spider-Man dodges and counters with a kick that sends Jiren flying.Jiren quickly recovers and throws a powerful ball of energy.Spider-Man grabs it with his hand and punches it away.
Jiren:Your strength,it is impressive.Now...let me show you mine.
Jiren is suddenly covered in a flaming aura that shakes the realm.
Belmod:There it is,now Jiren can win without a doubt.
Khai:I-I'm not so sure.Look at Kami,he isn't fazed in the slightest.
Jiren steps forward in a powerful aura.

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