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The Parker family walks into the chamber.
Spider-Man:So how should we do this?
Kami:Simple,most of Moro's taken abilities are combat based,so we should have a spar.
Kami:Your going to fight both of us.
Android 21:Are you sure?I'm not sure-
Kami and Ben blankly stare at 21.
Android 21:Alright then.
21 turns into her Majin form,with her usual blue and white eyes.Kami stays in his normal form as Ben takes his stance.
The three clash,Ben is doing very well,21 kicks Ben away but he quickly recovers and shoots a web at 21's face.He pulls her towards him and swings both of his arms at her face,hitting her with a clothesline.21 slides across the ground but recovers,Kami charges at Ben and the two clash.

21 slides across the ground but recovers,Kami charges at Ben and the two clash

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

(Piccolo is Kami,Goku is Spider-Man)

Kami is sent back a little but retaliates with a powerful punch that sends Ben flying.Ben stops as his power suddenly boosts.Ben charges at Kami at new speeds,surprising both him and 21.Ben punches Kami a far distance away.21 manifests energy on the tip of her finger.She points it right at Ben and shoots the beam.Ben looks at the beam...and simply stares.21 grows concerned,there's a lot of power in her beam,if it hits Ben dead on-21's worries are interrupted as the beam hits Ben's chest and does absolutely no damage.Ben stares at his chest where the beam is hitting and beholds himself.
Ben(thinking):This power,it's not a simple boost.My very base power itself is being increased.It's like a "maximum health increased" in a video game.All of my energy has increased!
Ben looks to his mother and walks towards her,unfazed by the beam.21 steps back but keeps the beam shooting.Ben makes it walk the way to 21 and grabs her arm.He points it down to the ground.Ben revs his arm back and punches 21 right in the face,sending her flying again.21 recovers and manifests an array of blasts around her hands.She sends the array out towards Ben.Ben pulls his arm back and swings it at the air,generating a large force that completely dissipates the blasts.Kami comes from behind with a kick,but Ben simply sidesteps it.Kami lands and turns around.Ben calmly walks forward.
Kami:Looks like you're doing it,just keep going with whatever's happening.
Ben closes his eyes as more knowledge flows through him.He holds his hand up and manifests an array of energy around it.
Android 21:That's my technique!
Ben throws the array and hits Kami and 21 dead on.Kami and 21 emerge from the dust and both charge at Ben.Ben simply stands there and suddenly he melts.He turns shiny and melts down to the ground,surprising his parents.He then rises back up and turns solid. He grabs his parents by their heads and smacks them into each other.He throws them to the sides but they recover.21 manifests a ball of energy and shoots it at Ben,but he takes his mask off and opens his mouth.He shoots a green beam as 21's energy ball turns into a ball of metal.
Android 21:Whoa!
Spider-Man:That's cool!
Kami pulls his hands to the air and manifests threads of energy.Kami swings his threads at Spider-Man,but he shoots the green beam again and turns the threads to metal.Kami discards the threads and charges his energy.He erupts into an intense pillar of energy,it fades to reveal Kami's body sparking with power and an intense white aura.
Spider-Man:What's this?!
Kami:My mystic form.It unleashed my untapped power in the form of a transformation.
Spider-Man:Cool,but you forget something.
Spider-Man tells and charges to his full power as it causes a tremor.
Spider-Man:My power's been going into overtime this whole time!
Kami:Let's settle this.
Android 21:And don't forget about me!
21 lands right next to Spider-Man.She pulls his hands back and manifests a red ball of energy.
Android 21:Kamehame-
Kami puts his hand forth and puts all of his power into a ball of energy.Ben simply walks towards them.The parents shoot their beams as Ben simply puts his hand out.The energies shrink and sink away until they completely fade only to show Ben,who's power has just skyrocketed.
Kami:That's Moro's main ability.He can absorb and manipulate other energies.
Kami powers down.
Kami:That's good enough.
21 turns back to normal as Spidey calms down. The three walk out of the chamber,seeing only Frieza,cooler,piccolo,and Kuriza.
Kami:Where are the others?
Frieza:They went down to earth to scope out the situation.So far,no one's hurt.But people have been staring at them.
Kami:Alright,let's just stay here for now.

Down at the city
The group walks throughout the city,it looks the same as it did before the crisis,just shiny.
They have noticed that people have been staring at them,but they aren't sure why.They each go to check out their homes.Vegeta and Nappa go to their home,but as they go,bra runs out in a panic.She grabs on to Nappa and vegeta,panting and crying.
Bra:It's mom!She aimed some cannon at me and tried to kill me!
Vegeta:Dad,keep her safe.
Nappa:Wait!What are you going to do?
Vegeta:...What I have to.
Vegeta flies into the house,as he enters he sees his mother,but she has a sinister smile on her face.
Bulma aims the cannon forward and fires it,but Vegeta effortlessly dodges it and punches Bulma in the face,knocking her out cold.Vegeta kneels down and holds his mother.
Vegeta:What happened to you mom?
Vegeta suddenly hears an unfamiliar voice,it echoes throughout the house.
???:The same thing that will happen to you.
Vegeta looks around but sees no one.Suddenly, Vegeta feels an immense strain in his mind as he falls down to the ground.He grabs his head as he feels himself losing control of his body as he starts to move against his own will.He stands up as his head feels incomparable pain.

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