God of destruction

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4 years have passed since the tournament.

Far far away,a cat like being with purple skin and yellow eyes awakes.He gets into his attire and walks out of his bedroom.

Beerus:Whis?Whiiis?WHIS!A man with blue skin and white hair lands in front of Beerus

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A man with blue skin and white hair lands in front of Beerus.

Beerus:Whis?Whiiis?WHIS!A man with blue skin and white hair lands in front of Beerus

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Whis:Yes lord Beerus?
Beerus:I'm hungry,get us some grub.
Whis:Very well.
The man summons large tables of meats and sweets.Beerus begins to chow down.
Beerus:Say,what's gone on in my slumber?
Whis:Well,the most exciting thing to happen lately would be...Frieza's end.
Beerus nearly choked on his food before he speaks again.
Beerus:What?!Someone was able to actually defeat Frieza?Who?!
Whis:Apparently,it was the combined efforts of a saiyan and an earthling.
Beerus:A saiyan?I thought I told that little shit to kill them all.
Whis:Yes my lord,and while he did kill most,it would seem that some survived.This one in particular is known as "Nappa".
The man showed an image of the fight on his staff's orb.It showed both a costumed man and a saiyan in a golden aura.
Beerus:Hmm...that saiyan looks familiar for some reason.Wait,I KNOW!It's him Whis!
Whis:Who's "him"?
Beerus:I've been dreaming of fighting a brawny man in armor with a red mustache,the ah-the um-the super saiyan god!
Whis:Oh dear.
Beerus:Where is this man now Whis?!
Whis:He's on the very same planet as the costumes one known as "Spider-Man".The planet is known as Earth.
Beerus:Then let us head there right now!
Whis:If you say so.
The two gather up and disappear in a pillar of light.They eventually arrive in the atmosphere of the planet earth before sensing someone coming towards them.
Beerus:Stop for a second Whis,it appears this person wants to speak to us.
The man stops as the duo stares at a man in a black and gold costume.
Beerus:Who are you?
???:I'm a lot of things.A vigilante,a hero,a guardian.
Beerus:Your energy,and your ability to sense us.Are you perhaps...some sort if deity?
???:Yep,I'm the guardian of earth.You could calls me "Kami".But-


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