Raditz's fight

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Raditz had a long journey ahead of him.To fulfill the power vacuum,he'd need to be feared.Before the explosion of planet namek, he had taken dodoria and Zarbon with him.He was doing his thing,taking other space pirates down,solidifying his place in the space empire.He and his force had come across another enslaved planet.The "Raditz force" descended down to the planet.They arrive in an abandoned city.
Raditz:Where are the slaves?
Ginyu:They should be here.
???:Hello there
A woman descends to the ground.

???:Hello thereA woman descends to the ground

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Zangya:Seems like you got our call.

Zangya:Seems like you got our call

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Bido:You fools took the bait.
Jeice:Bait?You think you can bait the-
Suddenly,a sword comes flying at Jeice's head, but Burter catches it and throws it back where it came.It's caught by-

Kogu:You're not getting out of this alive

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Kogu:You're not getting out of this alive.
Recoome:Recoome eraser gun!
The beam is dodged as a small man gets the drop on Recoome and drop kicks his back.

Recoome:Recoome eraser gun!The beam is dodged as a small man gets the drop on Recoome and drop kicks his back

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