“ One Day I will die then you all can live according to your choice, why would anyone listen to me” She said, sitting on the couch while we sighed in relief and got out from behind the pillar. Yeah, this was the line we were waiting for. No matter how powerful you become, you are nothing in front of your family.

We get out of our places and saw sitting on couch while folding her hands like a child while dad was standing beside her.

“ Honey, I didn't even know that She was flirting and I tried so hard to get out of the situation. I thought it would be rude if I just walked out, still I am sorry I will not even help anybody from next time” Dad said in a pleading voice while holding both his ears while mom just scoffed. Is she still not satisfied? Will I and kitten fight like this too? why would I not even look at any women, she is the only one for me who exists, in my life only three womens matter, my mom, sister and my Kitten. My kitten managed to capture my heart without even doing anything. My thoughts diverted when I heard.

“ Ohh please you don't know how clever they are I have warned you many times but you don't listen to me and same goes to your idiot son how many times I asked him to find someone and get married and if he is not able to find a girl I can find too but know he has to act like a brat” She said while I signed in disbelief.

“ What we can do is he never listens to us, he thinks of us as his enemy” Dad said in a sad tone, did he change the party?

“ How did I come in between you? You guys were fighting right.” I said while they both rolled their eyes and dad consoled mom, how clever he is putting me between their fight and now he is with her.

“ We don't have a problem if you love a boy, we will pacify our hearts. If you love Austin you can marry him?” She said and my eyes go widen.

“ Ohh please mom stop, he is my best friend” I told her honestly while she rolled her eyes.

“ No I have seen in series, first the best friends are not aware of their feelings but…”

“ Mom I have someone in my eyes and soon I will take her to meet you guys and for God sake stop watching those stupid series” I cut her off in between she was uttering nonsense. But the moment I Completed my sentence they all burst out like maniacs.

“ What! Who is she?” asked my mom.

“ Does she like you back?” asked my dad

“ Where does she live and how does she look?”asked Ava.

“ Does She know about you and still like you”asked my mom again.

“ Of Course mom who will not like me back, look at your handsome son and yes she did know about my real self” I lied the first part, but what I will tell is that I am haunting her so that she likes me back, they will throw me out, they were giving me a suspicious look while I hid my sacred self by my stern look.

“ I want to meet her,” Said Ava while putting me in a tough spot.

“ No, you can't now and if you guys are done fighting, so can I go to my girlfriend now she must be waiting” I said and walked out immediately while I heard them shouting, god my family is a circus, if my identity got revealed accidentally then nobody will even believe In that rumour, thinking about my crazy family.

I came out of the mansion, oh god I can still hear their shoutings, save my kitten from these crackheads. By this I remembered her, so now it's punishment time kitten. I sat in my car and the car drove towards her apartment.




I entered her apartment from the secret door, I went into the kitchen as I was planning to give a sweet punishment to my kitten and as expected she came. She was scared and her reaction gave me satisfaction. Once I was done I went outside. I washed my hands as it was injured because of the knife and a man treated it. It doesn't affect me but I need to be there for my kitten. I ordered one of my men to clean the kitchen. And after that I again entered her apartment for the last punishment of the day. Be ready, my kitten and stay strong.

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