Chapter o7

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- this story is a work of fiction -

The cool breeze cooled her hot body down while half of her body hung out of the window, and her tears were dropping down into the dark void down below. The moon wasn't visible, being clouded over, so everything was dipped in darkness. The only thing she could make out were the quiet crickets and the sound of the wind, the nature seemingly flourishing with just a few humans around, not a single light source in sight. The grip on her hair was stinging badly, and she was desperately trying to cling onto the windowsill with her lithe hands, failing horribly at that because her body was hanging too far out, her nails only scratching the smooth surface.

She could barely sense anything other than the sting of her pulled hair, because that was quite literally her lifeline right now. Her eyes were blurry from the tears, and her ears were ringing from all the stress and pressure. Her nose was clogged, but she was sure that she would be able to smell blood like always. After surviving in the apocalypse so long, she could barely make out the copper smell anymore, her senses being long since accustomed to it.

Suddenly, a faint voice went through to her, a bit muffled, before the grip around her hair tightened even more, demanding her attention. With a yelp, she turned her head around as far as she could.

„so you would do it? Help us?"

Scarlett's voice rang through, a sprinkle of smugness being heard in her tone of voice, a bit high-pitched to sound cute. Stella could imagine the wide cheshire grin she had on her face. Stella's breath hitched, and with the little way of being able to move her head, she nodded frantically.


She choked out , her hands desperately clawing at the smooth surface of the windowsill, faint scratching noises being heard.

And by that, the hand lifted her head even more, letting her sag to the ground, her whole feet now touching the ground. She seemingly exploded for air after that, even though she was breathing the whole time. Or maybe she didn't. She didn't know, really. The hand retracted a long time ago, and by the time she collapsed onto the ground, the blonde girl already scoffed, wiping her hand on her jeans like what she just touched was something disgusting. She then stepped away, mumbling something about this meeting being pointless, and by the sound of the door closing and opening, she had left the classroom.

After that, an uncomfortable silence ensued. No one really knew what to do, since they didn't really know each other. She could hear the faint breathing patterns from some, and some nervous shuffling around from others. She had the feeling that someone else stepped into her direction, before a smooth, hypnotising voice cut through the silence.

„ seems like the meeting's over. Could you all leave me alone with Stella for a moment?"

Lawrence's voice said, making the brown haired girl flinch at the sound of her name in his voice. Something about it was odd. Every time she heard others say her name, it always seemed so odd. But in his case, it feels like her name was on his tongue multiple times.  Immediately, she could hear the first ones agreeing, shuffling to grab their stuff, every single one of these blobs leaving the classroom with the sound of the door closing shut. By the last ones leaving, Stella raised her head, and her eyes locked onto the restless sea of blues in Harry's. He looked...concerned. His eyes crinkled in worry, and she thought for a moment that she even saw a slightly trembling lip. She couldn't be sure though, the eye contact was cut short by the door sliding shut.

She was now alone with Lawrence. For a moment, it was silence, the soft breeze flowing through the classroom, cooling her down slightly. She directs her gaze to the young man a few feet away from her, a gentle smile on his face.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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