Chapter 05

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-this story is a work of fiction -

Han. This was the very first name being shown on the board, displaying all the rankings of the recently written math exam. At first, he thought he read wrong. That...that must be a mistake. Yeah, that is it. It was just a mistake, teachers do it all the time after all. But in the back of his head, he could already feel a heavy lump forming. He could feel his sanity withering away, his mental stability breaking like the most fine glass. So perfect yet fragile. He looked between the two family names, Han and his, Kim. The distance so close on the board, not even an inch long, but for him so, so many miles apart. It was the first time he felt that way, so defeated, so crushed. He felt his head spinning, his stomach in knots and his throat drying out, yet not even yearning for an ounce of water. Like it wanted to just crumble in on itself and perish. Like it has lost its will to further function. Some would say that it was just a simple exam, ultimately just a piece of paper. No one would look back at it and remember what they had on a random math quiz in Highschool. And if he thinks about it very hard, he thinks so too. But what stays, were the consequences back home.

He couldn't care less about the few petty rumours and gossip that floated around his school. There weren't many, considering that it was the most prestigious school in the city, students had better things to do than to engage in petty drama. But there was one that sparked an interest in him after he came to school the next morning, exhausted and tired, his ears ringing from all the screaming he heard in one night, his stomach sunken from the lack of food, and his eyes tired of being open all night.

In his year, there was always a vacant desk. It was in class a, an empty desk directly by the window. No one knew exactly who the desk belonged to, some said that it was for the phantom of the school, and the faculty were ordered to keep the desk empty during lessons so the phantom could partake in lessons as well. Not one student really knew who the mystery student was that was normally occupying the desk, only one thing being known- The family name- Han.

He remembered staring at the vacant desk one lunch break, his eyes shaky and his hands twitching, wondering how the mystery person looks like.


Her hair was long, easily going to her hips, light brown hair flowing down straight like a chocolate waterfall. All eyes were on her as she stepped out of the storage room, loose high heels clacking against the floor, her long legs clad in black stockings traveling up, up, up- until they disappear under a sea of white frills, that were wrapped around a black mini skirt made out of black satin. A white apron was the perfect backdrop for the striking color of red splattered on it, and with every eye that raked over a frame, the bunny headband on her head bobbed. There was a silence in the room, each with a unique expression, raging from shocked to disgusted. Not that she would know. It was all speculations, since she wouldn't be able to see them anyway.

Meanwhile, she stood there, doing nothing. She couldn't, she wasn't even sure if the things she saw were real or not. Her gaze is strictly stuck to the ground, knowing that she would faint the moment she would look up. After a bit of talking with Harry in the storage room, he eventually freed her, leading her outside to meet the other members of his survival group.

He told her that they were staying at their old school to remain safe during the apocalypse, a small section of the once prestigious school being deemed safe despite the decrepit state it was in. He said that they took turns renovating and fixing some rooms here and there, while others had different duties, like finding food or keeping watch for zombies through patrols. Harry also said that there were 10 people in their current group right now, and that resources were running low. Like she speculated, she couldn't really see them when she stepped through the door, every single one of them a different coloured blob.

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