season one Chapter Five: Welcome to Team Kite

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The first light of dawn crept through the half-open curtains, casting a warm glow over the kitchen where Joze, a young man with the lean muscles of a runner, shuffled in with the grogginess of the just-awoken. The digital clock on the wall confirmed it was indeed Saturday, the numbers 8:00 AM glowing in a comforting green. The air was rich with the aroma of maple syrup and freshly brewed coffee, a breakfast spread worthy of a king laid out on the table, pancakes stacked high amidst a sea of bacon and eggs.

CATHY (with a voice as bright as the morning) Morning, Joze! I made pancakes. Hope you’re hungry.

JOZE (his voice still thick with sleep, eyes barely open) You’re the best, Cathy. What’s the special occasion?

CATHY (her hands dancing as she placed a steaming cup of coffee on the table) No occasion. Just thought you’d need a hearty breakfast for your big day.

Joze’s smile was a silent thank you, his appreciation evident as he took a seat, the cutlery clinking softly against the plate as he began to eat. The tranquility of the morning was suddenly pierced by the shrill ring of his phone. He answered, the device cold and alien against his warm ear.

JOZE (his voice gaining strength) Hello?

KITE’S VOICE (crisp and authoritative, emanating from the phone) Joze, it’s Kite. Meet me at the Exterminators’ Cooperation as soon as you can. Today’s your first day.

JOZE (curiosity piqued, a spark of excitement in his tone) Got it, Kite. I’ll be there soon.

The call ended, and Joze devoured the rest of his breakfast with newfound haste.

CATHY (her brow furrowed with concern) Is everything okay?

JOZE (reassuringly, a confident smile playing on his lips) Yeah, just some plans I can’t miss. Thanks for breakfast!

Grabbing his bag, Joze stepped out into the world, his heart racing with anticipation.


The Exterminators’ Cooperation building loomed ahead, its sleek architecture a testament to modern design. Kite, a figure that commanded respect with his mere presence, stood like a sentinel awaiting Joze’s arrival.

KITE (a nod of approval at Joze) Welcome, Joze. You’re right on time. Let’s introduce you to the team.

Inside, the air hummed with a quiet intensity. Max, a man whose quiet demeanor belied his experience, regarded Joze with a measured gaze.

KITE (gesturing between the two) This is Max. He’s been training with me for a while now. Max, meet Joze, our newest recruit.

MAX (a nod, his voice steady) Nice to meet you.

JOZE (enthusiasm in his handshake) Hey, I’m Joze. Excited to be here.

KITE (his tone serious, yet encouraging) Good. We have a lot to cover today. Max will help you get up to speed.

Max’s eyes, sharp and assessing, met Joze’s, a silent understanding passing between them.

MAX (calmly, a hint of a mentor’s pride) Follow my lead, and you’ll do fine.

With a gesture from Kite, they began to move.

KITE (his voice echoing slightly in the vast space) We’re heading to the Ikada Clan compound. That’s where your training begins.

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