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Achilles takes him to the cult hideout or accademy where all Assassin's were trained. He gives him a tour of the hideout and explaining him about integrating modern weapons in an Assassin suit and comparing the ancient weapons to modern weapons. Initially, he wasn't given any training and Achilles [gasps]
"It's necessary to get familiar with the atmosphere before we start training".
"May I know the history of the cult?" He asks.
Achilles turning his towards him "Yes, indeed" he says.
"The Cult originated 300 years ago, till now they were 8 grand Masters including me lead the cult with a moto of Assassinating the evil forces who poison the atmosphere of humanity in these mountains of hidden mist" he explains him the history of the cult.
Nirvan watching cadets and the masters at the training field
" To terminate evil forces spoiling the hygienic atmosphere of humanity huh!, why we should be accountable for execution of evil forces when the humanity not even asks for a help?" He asks.
"You've a point Nirvan! Yet we're also humans, aren't we? Someone should make up themselves to fight against this hazard and the cult took responsibility of Assassinating these evil forces" he said.
Nirvan chuckles
"So, who ever sprawls the negative or evil thoughts in humanity they should be assassinated or murdered without mercy, isn't it?" He asks.
Achilles perceiving at him
"Not exactly! Being an Assassin is not all about assassinating people in a sneaky way" he says.
" Then what? Killing the criminals or Targets. That's what all Assassin's do!"

Achilles with a pleasent smile on his face " Assassinating referred as ' execution without leaving any trace of the victim ' and this word is not related only for murdering living beings " he says.
" I didn't get that ".
Achilles chuckles
" To live peacefully, we should execute hatred, vengeance and meritocracy. Some people's live with the transparency of this fact and some of them live with this evil aspects where they neither stay in peace nor they allow other to lead a peaceful life and an Assassin should try to assassinate the victim's negative thoughts in first place. If the diagnosis of thoughts failed in that case it's necessary to cut the cancer. This is the TRUE MEANING OF ASSASSIN " he says.
" I see! ".
" I guess your next Question might be about other assassin organisation like Syndicate, Valhalla, Brotherhood, Rain forest and Sister's of Redhood. Is they're same? "
" Impressive Master! You read mind too" Nirvan chuckles.
" You'll learn that too [chuckles] Some of these organisations works to safeguard there domain from intruders and control the administration by themselves. For example Assassin's of the syndicate & Rain forest perform both safeguarding and administration of the domain. Assassin's cults such as Red hood & Valhalla offers they're helping hands to domains by safeguarding the domain. Assassin's of Phoneix cult and brotherhood buys that monitoring hygiene qualities in the domain is our responsibility. I hope you got some little transparency "he says.

Nirvan's face filled with astonishment by studying the various cults and their responsibility " It's a legend and it might take a pile of time understand these rules and responsibilities of Assassinhood" he says.
" You'll get that clear eventually, yet you're training will initiate from upcoming sunrise. Get you stuff to here from the student dorm" he instructs Nirvan.
"What about my school and attendance? My parents will screw me if they get to know that I'm training in an Assassin cult in spite of studying " he pops out.

"Don't rush cadet, you're training is personally monitored by me and it's totally different then the training that others are getting. I'm coming as faculty to your institution and you'll learn all those things that my master thought me to attain grand master of the cult".
By hearing to Achilles, astonishment sprawled all over his face
" Huh! You sounds like a fictional character from comics " he says.

Nirvan imports his stuff from the dorm, A little room aloted him with a basic accomodation of a study lamp, table, floor bed and a mud jar to store water "Huh! Just as like ancient times ' Gurukula system ', let's see how astonishing day I gonna get tomorrow " he speaks in his mind.
Nirvan woke up and not noticing any notification from the master and he follows his usual schedule. He reached his school where all students were assembled for the prayer. He notices Achilles standing at the stage with all faculties
" Speak of the devil in a classic outfit " he Whispers in himself.

The Head master of the institute comes forward " Namaste all faculties and students, today I'm here to welcome our new Principal Mr. Massimo Camber ". Achilles steps forward "Namaste students and faculties, I buy that you all are astonished by sudden appointing a new Principal for the school. Due to some professional reasons, your old principal is transferred to the other branch. I'll be taking his place and accountability of the institution, you're accademics and I assure you that you'll be introduced to a new concept of Learn with Fun. The journey with me initiates now, we'll have a close conversation shortly. Have a nice day my cute smurfs " everyone give a applause to the speach and instructed to march towards the classrooms with descipline.
After a couple of classes a clerk from the Principal office show's himself at Nirvan's class
" Excuse me Mam! Sorry for the breaching the lecture. Principal sir is calling Mr. Nirvan Nanda" he says.
That made everyone to stare at Nirvan, yet his face is not displaying any kind of expression. Nirvan recives permission from the subject teacher and take a wak towards Principal's office.
" I hope, you might be not expecting me as your benevolent Principal in any dimension" Achilles walks closure to him.
Nirvan perceiving in his eyes
" I'm not astonished either " he says.
" That I can notice by your face holding null expression "
Achilles walks back to his chair
" Yet, I called you here to inform you that you're training starts from now " he says.
" Like what? Sprawling the chanting of humanity in every students ears " he teases Achilles.
Achilles perceiving at him with seriousness
" you're theoritically mode of Assassin preaching will be begin from sunrise and till closing time of the institute and the practical training initiatives from sunset till we get the dinner call " he says.

" Do I get some rest in between this circus? "
" Time management is a momentous compuntion of a Assassin training, you should self study this concept to perform self healing, strategy designing and accomplishing. Because, this concept requires experience for perfection in spite of guidance " he says.
Nirvan [gasps]
" Perhaps, your words have logic and realistic hold on this subject. Fine, I'll deal with this somehow" he says.
Achilles signals the clerk to hand him something, clerk gives a file to Nirvan which is a magzine of college advertising about upcoming festival.
" Vision! I've been interviewing the students who took monitoring in last festivals. They display themselves very well unless I contemplated about their work and which unfold the fact they took your help to solve socialistic issues between students while designing events. Apparently the conclusion is " You're pretty good at manipulation, this time your seniors who are always outraged and living in delusion are arguing that they'll take financial management of the event. I want you to take that part of work from them " he says.
Vision closes the magzine and looking at Achilles
" When I'm not interested in this, why would I do that? "
Achilles chuckles at him
" They're outraged and unidirectional minded imbecile's who belives they're Supreme and don't allow anyone to taste supremacy before they take a sip of it. They're pretty good challange and a lesson for you to improve manipulation skills. Now if you manipulate them and make it to take the financial management of the event in to your hands, there will be treat from my side. If you fail to accomplish manipulation you've to take extra two hours of physical training with empty stomach" he blows a complicated challange to Vision.
" All you've is 5 hours, the challange initiates now. You're dismissed " he says.
Vision walks back to the classroom and take his seat and acts normal.
Clerk move closure to Achilles's ears
" Sir, aren't you worried about the boy?" He asks.
Achilles chuckles to that
" I'm worried about them" he says.

Story to be continued in chapter 3

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