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Upon arriving at the hotel, I bid everyone good night and made my way to my room

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Upon arriving at the hotel, I bid everyone good night and made my way to my room. Noticing the door unlocked initially raised concern, until I realized it was likely Shreya's doing. Entering, I found her sitting on my bed amidst a pile of bags, phone in hand.

"Did you raid a store or something?" I joked. Shreya grinned mischievously as she glanced up from her phone. "Just a little retail therapy," she replied, patting one of the bags beside her. "You wouldn't believe the deals I found!"

We chuckled together, and I settled into a chair, curious to see what treasures she had acquired during her shopping spree.She eagerly showcased each dress she had bought, and then, unexpectedly, she thrust a heavy bag into my arms. Peering inside, I discovered the very books that had long been on my to-be-read list.

"You got me books? You, the one who always insists I need to step away from them and experience the real world?" I teased, though secretly touched by her gesture.Shreya chuckled, acknowledging my jest. "Well, I felt a tad guilty for bailing on our beach plans, so I thought I'd make it up to you by bringing along those books you can't stop raving about. But let's be clear, my opinion on them remains unchanged!"

Her mischievous grin returned as she leaned in, her tone playful. "So spill the beans. Who was your beach buddy? Or should I start checking the mailbox for a wedding invitation?" She couldn't resist adding a dramatic flair to her teasing, and I couldn't help but laugh along with her.

"Oh, drama queen!" I retorted playfully. "Yes, the beach buddy was Vikram! He found me buried in my book and struck up a conversation. Turns out, he's a reader too. Can you believe it? Next time, we're planning a book shopping spree together!"

Shreya's eyes sparkled with mischief. "Ooh, a date!" she teased, drawing out the word for effect.I rolled my eyes, unable to suppress a grin at her antics. "Oh, stop it," I laughed. "It was just two bookworms nerding out together."

Shreya leaned back on the bed, a playful smirk dancing on her lips. "Mhmm, sure, just two bookworms bonding over literature on a picturesque beach. Sounds like the perfect setup for a rom-com if you ask me."

I chuckled, shaking my head. "You have quite the imagination, Shreya. But I assure you, it was purely platonic. We're just friends who happen to share a love for books."She raised an eyebrow skeptically. "Uh-huh, we'll see about that. But hey, as long as you had fun and got some quality book talk in, I'm all for it."

We both laughed, the banter between us as familiar and comforting as ever.I couldn't resist teasing Shreya a little more. "So, spill the beans, Shreya. How was your time with Akshay?" I asked with a smirk, knowing full well that she harbored a soft spot for him but refused to admit it, probably for fear of things getting awkward between us.

Shreya rolled her eyes, but a faint blush crept up on her cheeks. "We... um, had a good time," she admitted, trying to play it cool. "We caught up on things, grabbed lunch, and, well, maybe did a little shopping."

I raised an eyebrow knowingly. "Just a little, huh? And here I thought Akshay despised shopping with every fiber of his being."She let out a small laugh, unable to hide her smile. "Okay, fine, maybe he did indulge me a bit. But don't read too much into it! We're just friends hanging out."

I smirked, deciding to let her off the hook for now. "Sure, just friends," I said with a wink. "But if anything changes, you'll be the first one to spill the juicy details, right?"

She playfully swatted my arm, but her eyes twinkled with amusement. "You wish, but of course."As we bantered back and forth, the familiar ease of our friendship enveloped us, reminding me of why I cherished these moments with Shreya and Akshay. We may tease each other endlessly, but underneath it all, there was an unspoken bond that bound us together.

"Well, I'm glad you two had a good time," I said sincerely, softening my teasing tone. "And hey, if anything ever does happen between you and Akshay, just know that I've got your back."Shreya smiled gratefully, her eyes reflecting the depth of our friendship. "Thanks, you're the best," she said, her voice filled with warmth.
"Okay, okay, fine," I relented, conceding to the truth in Shreya's observations. "Maybe there's something there."Shreya's grin widened triumphantly, her teasing laced with a knowing edge. "I knew it!" she exclaimed, leaning in closer. "So, spill the details. When are you two lovebirds going to make it official?"

I chuckled, amused by her eagerness. "Let's not rush things," I replied, a hint of uncertainty tugging at my thoughts. "I don't even know how he feels about me."

"But be absolutely sure about your feelings before diving into anything serious," Shreya cautioned, her tone turning serious. "If things don't go well, it could get really awkward. And remember what Vee bhai said about his teammates being off-limits? He's fiercely protective of you, like a big brother. If anyone hurts you, they're in serious trouble. And Vikram is his teammate. Vee bhai would be furious!"

Shreya's words resonated in my mind, urging me to proceed with caution. While the idea of exploring something with Vikram intrigued me, I couldn't ignore the potential complications within our tight-knit group of friends.

After Shreya left for her room, our conversation lingering in my thoughts, I lay back, staring at the ceiling, contemplating her words and my feelings for him. It was true that there was something special between us, a connection maybe that had gradually blossomed from initial misunderstandings to shared moments of laughter and understanding.

But as I mulled over Shreya's cautionary advice, I couldn't shake off the apprehension that crept into my mind. The thought of potentially risking our friendship, and even inviting Vee bhai's ire, weighed heavily on my heart. Yet, amidst the uncertainty, there was also a glimmer of hope, a whisper of possibility that perhaps this could be something worth exploring.

Lost in my thoughts, I drifted into a restless sleep, the image of Vikram's smiling face lingering in my mind, stirring a mix of emotions that I knew I couldn't ignore. Tomorrow would bring new opportunities and challenges, and I was determined to face them with clarity and courage, ready to navigate the complexities of friendship and love.

 Tomorrow would bring new opportunities and challenges, and I was determined to face them with clarity and courage, ready to navigate the complexities of friendship and love

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"The Switch"


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