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Ara was singing this amazing song with her even more amazing voice

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Ara was singing this amazing song with her even more amazing voice. I didn't know she could sing, and sing this beautifully! Everyone seemed transported to another world with her singing. She finished singing and gave the guitar back to Chahar bhai! I didn't want her to finish singing so soon; I wanted her to continue.

I leaned in and whispered to her, "You have a very beautiful and sweet voice! I could hear you sing forever." She put her head down and smiled, and I think she just blushed! She is cute! I smiled at her and turned to the other side, only to see Harry bhai looking at me and shaking his head with a small smile.

As we all started leaving for our hotel rooms, Harry came to me and said, "Don't even think of it!"I looked at him confused, "Think of what?""She is like a baby princess for both Vee and Anu. If you ever try things with her and it doesn't end well, he will either kill you or.." his voice trailed off."Or?" I asked him, a bit curious."Or Anu will kill you!" He laughed and walked off.

Wait, do I want to try something with her? Do I like her? With these thoughts, I went to my room, showered, changed into comfortable clothes, and lay down on my bed.I do like her! She is cute, smart, and her voice is something else! But do I want to try anything with her? Maybe...?

We did start on the wrong foot. But those were misunderstandings, and she has been nice and patient with me. And as I lay there, thoughts of Ara filled my mind. Her smile, her voice, her presence... I couldn't deny that there was something about her that drew me in. Perhaps it was worth exploring further.

As I lay on my bed, contemplating Ara and the feelings stirring within me, I couldn't shake the thought of how kind and understanding she had been despite our initial misunderstandings. There was a warmth in her smile that made me want to get to know her better.

But then, Harry's words echoed in my mind. Vee and Anu considered Ara like a baby princess, and I couldn't risk causing any trouble between us. The last thing I wanted was to jeopardize the harmony within our team.

Yet, as I mulled over these thoughts, a part of me couldn't help but wonder about the possibilities. Ara's presence had a certain charm that was hard to ignore, and I found myself drawn to her in ways I hadn't anticipated.

With a sigh, I realized that I needed to tread carefully. Whatever I felt for Ara, I couldn't let it interfere with our team dynamics or put her in an uncomfortable position. Perhaps it was best to simply enjoy her company and leave it at that.

But most importantly, did she feel anything about me? Or was it just me? The uncertainty gnawed at me, leaving me restless as I tried to decipher the signals she might be giving off.And then there was the question that nagged at me: how was it possible for a person to stir these emotions in such a short time? We had only met a few times, spoken once or twice, and mostly fought and disliked each other in the beginning. Yet, all of that seemed to have vanished into thin air. The way she cared for the people she loved, the genuine kindness in her actions—perhaps that was what had sparked something within me.

But for now, I decided to let things unfold naturally, to see where this unexpected connection would lead. After all, sometimes the most beautiful relationships blossom from the most unlikely beginnings.

Or maybe I shouldn't act on this, just let it be maybe a small attraction, that's it. But I wish it's not just an attraction too!! Ughh Ara, what have you done to me?! I put my pillow on my face and wiggle on the bed, then slowly slip into sleep, thinking about tomorrow's work. Weird, I know. shrug

The day unfolded with a casual encounter that seemed to hold more weight than I initially realized. As I stepped into the lift, there she was—Ara, her presence a pleasant surprise in the midst of the day's routine. We exchanged a few words, nothing more than polite pleasantries, yet there was a subtle undercurrent of something more lingering between us.

As we parted ways, I found myself unable to shake the memory of our brief interaction. Ara's smile, her laughter—it all seemed to linger in the air long after she had gone.

Ugh Vicky get a hold of yourself, No Ara thoughts anymore just shopping of my amazing fam!  Joined by the boys, we wandered the streets in search of the perfect gifts, our laughter mingling with the chatter of the bustling city.

We browsed the shops, sampled street food, and even indulged in a bit of clubbing to cap off the day. But amidst the hustle and bustle, Ara's presence faded into the background, replaced by the simple joys of camaraderie and companionship.And as exhaustion finally caught up with us, we returned home, our tired bodies craving nothing more than the comfort of sleep. I drifted off into a dreamless slumber, content in the knowledge that tomorrow was a new day, full of endless possibilities.

 I drifted off into a dreamless slumber, content in the knowledge that tomorrow was a new day, full of endless possibilities

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