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When you are with interesting people you tend to lose track of your time, that's exactly what is happening now! He's nice! Interesting and fun too! Maybe we started off on the wrong track

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When you are with interesting people you tend to lose track of your time, that's exactly what is happening now! He's nice! Interesting and fun too! Maybe we started off on the wrong track. We have been speaking for a long time it and didn't even notice Vee jiju and Anu coming next to us.
A voice came behind us, "What are you doing here? We have been searching for you!" We noticed it was Vee jiju. That's when we saw the time and noticed how long it's been. I suddenly remembered that those two must have been back by now but not to been seen anywhere. I get up, excuse myself and get up to call them leaving behind my fun company.
A:"Yoo dude where are you?"
S:"Will you be mad if we be late? We got busy with something, sorry yar! Are you alone? Is Anu didi with you?"
A:"okay chill! Take your time, I'm not alone. I have company here soo no worries" she starts teasing, oh how much she loves teasing me!
S:"Ooooo company huh? Who is it? Did u find a cute guy? Or a hot shirtless guy in the beach?
A:"First of all ew for the shirtless, I will tell you about it later! Go finish your work and come soon. I'm starving here!"
S:"Oh and the second thing not to be mad at for.... we already had our dinner! Before you get angry, it's not my fault Akshay was very very hungry."
A:"Ok fine! Come back soon, don't stay out too late!"
S:"okay mom! Bye love you!" She cuts the call with a small laugh at the end.

Great! Hungry and cold, ughhh! I go back and see Vee jiju, Anu di and Vicky having a conversation and they turn back as soon as they hear me groaning!
Vee:"you alright there?"
A:"oh yeah, those two are shopping and they will be late" I go back shrugging slightly.
Anu:"Did you eat anything?"
A:"No,  I'm starving! Maybe I'll leave now and go have something" with that I start packing.
VK:"Hey you join us, we have lots of food and everyone's there soo it will be fun, what do you say?"
A:"ohh I don't know! I mean you guys must be bonding over like it's a team thing right, I don't wanna be some outsider and ruin your bonding time!"
Vee:"ohh nonsense come on!" And with that the next thing I know is being pulled towards the team.

As soon as I go there everyone greeted me a with a small but bright smile. I go sit near Ishan and Vicky comes and sits next to me. 

We all have our dinner. these people are something else, always fun, lovely together like a family! It feels good to be with these people. 

All of a sudden, we hear guitar music from the team! It's Chahar bhai playing! 
Ish: This is the only music he plays always, never have I ever heard anything else from that guitar. 
Shub and Vicky just shake their heads with a little laugh. 
Ishan turns to me and out of nowhere he says, "Will you play a little of something for us? It's been soo long I have heard you play!" 
Shub: "Yeah, Chahar bhai will u pass me the guitar?"
Chahar: "What No! Do u want to ruin the string again?" he says that tightly hugging his guitar like a kid holding onto his toy! We all giggle at him! 
Shub: "Arey bhai, I did it by mistake, I have already said sorry naa? Please! and it's for Ara!"
While sit there and pray for him to say a no or anyone to say that it's time to go back, a guitar is placed in my hands. I stare at it for a few moments and take it and think of a song. 

As you strum the guitar, the familiar melody of "Vaseegara" blends seamlessly with "Zara Zara." The gentle chords fill the air, creating an intimate atmosphere under the starlit sky. Your fingers dance effortlessly on the strings, each note carrying a wave of emotion.

The group falls into a hushed silence, captivated by the raw beauty of your rendition. Ishan's eyes gleam with appreciation, while Shub and Vicky nod along to the rhythm. Anu and Vee exchange a knowing glance, their smiles reflecting the shared enjoyment of the moment. And all the couples 

(This is from YouTube; I just love this song and Jonita! her voice is lovely! And Imagine this only with guitar music) 

Is it just me or do you lose yourself to music too? It just take you to another world, doesn't it? and with the last chord fading into the night, I slowly open my eyes and come back to reality, and seeing a soft smile on everyone and noticed they all were holding onto their partners, full of love! 

I turn to my side and she Shub and Ish also looking at me with the same soft smile and still swaying to the music that got over long ago.  

And with that everyone was silently enjoying the cold air, peaceful beach with the warmth from their loved ones next to them. 

Hey You guys!!

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Hey You guys!!

I sincerely apologize for the delay in updating the next chapter on Wattpad. I understand the anticipation you must have felt, and I deeply regret for the disappointment caused by the delay. Please know that I truly value your patience and support.

I'm really sorry I will try to update u!


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