Chapter 11

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    Eva walked in first as I followed behind her, she swiftly turned back reaching a hand out asking "I can put your suit away for you Y/N" I chuckled softly as I handed her the bag, she took it out of my hand walking to my room, her tail brushed up against me for a moment letting me feel it reminding me of a cat. I locked the door and took a seat on the couch, laying my head back I pondered about Eva for a moment, seeing her so vulnerable yesterday, I realized I never gave back her red failsafe card "oh boy..." how would she react? Would she stop being my friend? No she's nice, she wouldnt just stop being my friend right? A sliple lapse in judgement woulnt make her hate me... I leaned forward, interlocking my fingers, closing my eyes, and focused on my guilty consciousness arguing with myself, "What if we just put it back- no, no, she already checked no way she would- No! Just confess..." suddenly I felt someone sat extremely close to me our legs brushing up against eachother. Opening my eyes I looked over her as she gave me a smile asking "whats wrong?" I was at a lost for words but quickly regained my composure remarking "Oh Eva! N-nothing! Umm..." She tilted her head and placed a hand on my shoulder leaning closer to me asking "is something wrong?"

I instinctively scooted away Explaining "C-can I confess something?" Eva blushed and her eyes widened she nodded and scooted closer, I shifted away scratching the back of my neck I asked "are you sure?" her tail wagged, placed a hand on my leg proclaiming in a soothing voice with a hint of nervousness "Of course not Y/N... I..." she blushed as I blurted out "I took your Failsafe Card Eva!" we sat in silence for what felt like forever both of us having a lost expression on our faces, Eva spoke up asking cluelessly "What..." I began interrogating myself for her "you see when you passed out in your ship I took the Failsafe card you had I thought you were an invader or something... im sorry" I looked down in shame until I hear soft snickering until she broke into a giggle and punched my arm abruptly remarking "Y/N~The Failsafe is just the ships blueprints back up... d-dont tease me like that!" my arm stung from her hit causing me to rub it gently her voice slowly calmed down to a whisper... she shifted in her seat looking away from me seemingly in her own thoughts.

I got up and swiftly headed to my room snagging her Failsafe card from behind my computer as I walked back into the living room I saw Eva sat on the couch holding her legs close until she noticed me I tossed her the Failsafe lazily as she caught it she took off her jumpkit and slid the card into place causing it to project above us her a rough blueprint of her ship, she turned off the projection her voice a whisper she remarked "thank you..." I took a seat next to her we sat in awkward silence until we both asked "so-" stopping ourselves from talking over one another I Chuckled, she giggled, and I proclaimed "you go first..." she fidgited and looked over asking "c-can you show me how to dance?" I blushed causing her to look away her face practically glowing in her own nervousness, biting her lower lip, and shifting in place. I smiled pushing myself to my feet proclaiming confidently "Well I suppose I can teach you how to dance tomorrow~ Shall we~?"I reached a hand to her, her face lit up, she took my offer as i pulled her off the couch she stood just bellow my belly button in height, I chuckled remarking "I dont know how this will work size wise but it'll do"

I pulled her close accidentally pulling too hard sending her creen into me, I balanced myself holding her up her hand was placed firmly on my chest, I appologized "s-sorry, you are lighter then I expected..." I recentered myself explaining "follow my lead..." placing my hand on her shoulder and held our hand out, she place her free hand on my waist, we slowly swayed side to side circling each other, she attempted to keep pace but she would trip up on her own two feet almost falling over every other moment. Eva eventually tripped and fell against me again, I yelled out "Woha! Easy there~ slow down... just, relax... here one moment" I let go of her much to her dismay, I grabbed the Tv remote and loaded YouTube playing (Blue moon by:Dean martin) I walked back over while she held her arms out waiting for me, but I bowed asking "May I have this dance~?" she blushed harder giggling, you may~" as she reached a hand out to me, I took her hand and pulled her near.

We began to subtly flow with eachother, we moved in unison as I complemented "your doing well and keeping up, just follow the rhythm..." she pressed her face against my chest as we continued, she lacked behind my confident and subtle stride but I gave her advice like "Follow the rhythm Eva~ let go..." soon enough we began to dance elegantly around the living room our movements in intertwined, the music fueled us reaching its everlasting crushendow, her foot slipped... She gasped and fell back pulling me with her, crashing into the floor with a thud, I find my face landing on something very soft almost like clouds, a few moments later my crash pads heart beat quicker with a subtle sound of wimperinging could be heard above me, deep down I want to stay like this maybe act unconscious but I cant do this to her...I quickly pushed myself up off of her voluptuous breasts just where I thought I had landed, our eyes meet I could see a immense blush on her face, she was a blushing mess below me, with how close our faces are I could feel our breath intermingle together in a dance, I looked deep into her orange eyes, they shined like the sun, the simulated freckles on her face. She shivered under me as my gaze lingered and lowered to her mechanical lips yet they still look soft, here eyes began to depicted swirls as she got increasingly dizzy due to our closeness. My head went mad with excuses "Shes my friend... Right? I really shouldnt... but shes so cute... so vulnerable... so unique..."

POV- Eva

    My thoughts screamed "What Is he doing! is he gonna... I cant move yet I also cant stop shivering... hes so close... his breath makes me tingle... Y/N..." his face inched closer to mine Snapping me out of my daze, I screamed causing me to hurt Y/Ns ears cursing her to sit up pulling his face away from mine and sitting away from me, I caught my breath gasping for air, I sat up, and apologized "s-sorry I didnt know what you were gonna do... I got scared..." he scrated the back of his neck chuckling to himself responding "no, no, was my fault I was kind of on auto pilot and wasnt sure what I was doing myself..." I nearly tackled him as I gave him a hug thanking him "thanky you Y/N... for teaching me how to dance... and being with me..." I smiled and held me closer whispering softly in my ear "No problem... your my friend..." I winced slightly at that but I dont know why...

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