Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 Fitting

POV- Eva

    Curling atop Y/N is nice, hes so comfy compared to the hard bed I had to sleep on for a long time. Opening my eyes I find myself in a field of flowers with butterflies flying about looking around I noticed Y/N standing in the distance overlooking a cliff side. I called out "Y/N! You Alright?" but he didnt say anything back, walking over I held his hand while we looked off into the sunset my heart fluttered as I looked up to Y/N, hes been so nice so caring ever since I got here, ive never thought the person I just met would be so kind, Caring, and Loving... I inhaled and worked up the courage to confess "Y/N! I think I love you!" but he remained still, I sighed as I told myself "I know just another dream..."
    Waiting there with him it wasnt long before the butterflies faded, and the grass to rot and decay, and for Y/N to disappear. I took a seat on the ground while a glowing orange version of me took a seat beside me remarking "so? Having fun?" I rolled my eyes and snapped back "What do you think!?" my clone giggled while she remarked "relax~ im not gonna do anything... atleast not to you~" I shifted my gaze towards her wanting an explanation as she remarking "look... im not gonna hold you to your ultimate goal but I will say have some fun with him before its time to go... after all when you have to leave you may Never come back~" My head drooped and ears laid flat at the realization I whispered out "Its true isnt it? That the longer I stay here the more of a chance Y/N gets hurt from that... Monster, the thing that ruined my home..." the clone shrugged and proclaimed "well you can always stay? Wait for the perfect opportunity? Then again~ You can feel your brother still out there somewhere he might just come and find you~?" I sighed as the dream collapsed around me.
    I woke up feeling Y/N nudge me off of him and walk over to his closet, I swiftly grabbed his wrist and groaned out "Nooo... Stay..." he chuckled and remarked "I have to go!" I groaned louder "Noo! Please~ I want you to stay~" he sighed and checked his phone, he began to type and proclaim "Fine... but we have to go pick up a dress for you..." I got up and tilted my head asking "What? Why?" Y/N rubbed a hand through his hair explaining "well my boss is setting up a party tomorrow and wants to see you, he asked me yesterday to bring you to the party but I was gonna bail, but social obligation kinda is forcing me to go..." I got up my tail wagging behind me as I asked "Woha! Really!? Ive never been to a party before!" he leaned in close to me causing my face to flush while he whispered "me too... so well both be getting something nice to wear~" I nodded nervously while he got dressed I got out of bed and headed to the livingroom to change myself opening my backpack and grabbing my spare outfit making sure to bring my Jumpkit just in case what happened last time doesn't happen again.

I gave Y/N a smile as he stepped out of his room wearing what he usually wears while I heard him mumble something under his breath, "cute~" I tilted my head asking "what was that?" he stammered and reamkred "Nothing! Lets go!" I followed Y/N wrapp...

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I gave Y/N a smile as he stepped out of his room wearing what he usually wears while I heard him mumble something under his breath, "cute~" I tilted my head asking "what was that?" he stammered and reamkred "Nothing! Lets go!" I followed Y/N wrapping my arm around his while we walked out the apartment complex and into the windy streets. I trotted along side him, but he seemed nervous and squirmed I asked "You alright?" he remarked "Yeah! Yeah, im fine... its just your really close..." My ears drooped as I let go of his arm apologizing "Oh s-sorry, I didnt meant to make you uncomfortable..." He patted my back Proclaiming "its no problem Eva..." my feet felt like they were dragging as I walked along side him, we stopped at the corner waiting for us to be able to cross I felt a familiar someone nagging at the back of my brain "Oh Ho Ho~ I suppose we didnt account for him not liking us back~" I stomped my foot out of Y/Ns vision trying to shut her up while the voice continued "Oh? Dont get mad at me Darling~ Im just telling you the facts~" I whispered under my breath "why are you different every time you show up in my head?" I heard a giggle at the back of my head as she remarked "Because I am~ I change based on your current perception of me~ and right now~ Im just teasing you Darling~" as the signal changed allowing us to walk I snapped back to reality and realized Y/N walked ahead making me pick up my pace slightly to keep up with him.

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