Chapter 9

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Sleep walking


I opened my eyes to a surreal version of my home. The world felt fluid and warm, I got out of bed and walked over to the living room seeing Eva patiently waiting for me, but she didnt make any sounds. I try to speak but noting comes out my mouth opens but silence. I moment later I began to suffocate, a try my best but I was unable to. I struggled and flained as a bright orange light began to glow around me. Until I woke up seeing Eva hugging my face closely burning my face against her chest, her grip on me was tight as if shes holding on for dear life. I noticed out of the corner of my eye something orange gloing behind me I wiggled my way out of Evas grasp to see a orange glowing clone of her behind me.

I froze in place the thing watched me but the clone didnt seem real or sentient, but it started to move it walked out my room robotically even, I got up and grabbed my jacket swiftly putting on I got ready to follow the clone but, I looked back at Eva in my bed trembling her hand subconsciously searching for me, I put a pillow under her hand and her body snatches it and pulls it close one of her legs resting atop it as she held it close I walked out to the living room looking out the window seeing the blizzard outside, looking over to see the clone walk out my front door I swiftly put on my shoes and made chase seeing the clone walk down the stairs I followed suit.

When we got to the front door the clone stopped and looked out to the snow blizzard in front of us, I wanted to touch it to see if she's there to see if there's something there, I placed a hand on its shoulder but it didn't react it just stood there, I asked "Eva... are you there..." Suddenly it walked out into the blizzard, the wind and snow blew its way inside, almost knocking me over. I wanted to follow but, I swallowed my fear and charged out into the blizzard the cold passing over me causing me to shiver immediately the orange glow of the clone walked deeper into the blinding snow. I charged behind it not wanting to lose it as I heard a voice similar to Eva's echo around me "how will I find him" "all alone again..." "Survival!" "I had to hide..." I heard a scream in the distance but I continued to follow the orange glow I felt that this is what Eva is holding inside her, I push forward more determined to reach the clone as I heard a deep sinister voice behind me "You..." I wanted to turn back but I knew, Eva needed me and if I were to ever get distracted I might lose her... I push forward the snow seemed to pick up as if it was trying to stop me I noticed her ship ruined beside me, "did we really walk this far..." the orange glow emitted from her ship I slowly climbed inside freeing myself from the blizzard's harsh winds, instead I find myself face to face with Eva's clone.

She stood there her visor was off emotionless the cold air continued to seep in as I saw my own breath a asked "Eva... what's wrong?" And the clone responded "am I a bad person?" Perplexed by the question I crawled closer proclaiming "Eva From my experience with you, I can say that youve been... unique... but im sure your trying your best... we all are... and I think your a good person." once I reached the clone It hugged me until it faded into light orange butterflies they flew around the room it felt ethereal as one of them flew atop my finger i saw through its wings when me and her playing uno i chuckled at the memory until I saw one land onto her bed crawling over I saw her alone the memory seemd like it was moving in two times speed it was Eva sleeping in her ship, I took a closer look and saw her crying never thought my heart would hurt this much from seeing my friend cry.

Suddenly I felt someone hug me roughly from behind nearly knocking me over, looking down I saw Evas paws wrapped around my waist she was surprisingly warm in this weather. I heard her mumble into my back I chuckled nervously asking "what was that?" she slowly pulled her head back proclaiming "T-thank you for taking me in..." I turn around to see her visor depicting tears swelling up in her eyes making my heart sink. Concerned I asked "woha! Eva its no problem really... whats wrong?" her breathing hitched as she stifled her tears as she confessed "I heard what you said... that im a good person... do you really mean that... because..." I gave her a hug explaining "being good is complicated... but I think your trying..." she lashed out proclaiming "But ive done nothing! All Ive been doing was crashing at your place and eating your food! I dont know what im doing... what my purpose is..." she chuckled and remarked "Even worse... im unloading my baggage onto you..." I reassured her in a soft tone "Eva... you saved my life twice... not to mention you saved me from this boring life, I get that you dont think youve earned your place, but I can see your trying..." I noticed her tail softly wagging behind her as she somehow wiped her tears away she asked "im sorry for putting you through this... having to deal with me..." I pushed her chip up to look at me as I told her "Eva... Im not dealing with you... you have became a good friend since these past couple of days, and I hope we can stay friends..." Evas face flushed orage as if shes blushing as I felt her heart thump in quick sccsestion twice as she pushed me down onto her bed and cuddled atop me.

Falling back onto her small bed that I was two times its size I heard her whisper "ill make it up to you... ill be a good friend... I promise..." the buterflys that filled the room slowly faded away. Eva atop me using the heat she radiated to hide from the cold. I jokingly asked "you comfy?" as snuggled closer saying "yeah~ whatever this orange thing is really ignores the cold which is a plus..." I questioned "do you wanna go back home?" she shook her head remarking "five more minutes~" I chuckled remarking "alrighty... five more minutes..." she began to question me "so... do you like anyone at work?" I blush remarking "what kind of question is that?" she giggled and responded "I suppose just an 'Ice' breaker" I laughed as I responded "no not necessarily... how about we play a game?" she pushed up atop me so she cloud look me in the eyes as I saw her face light up "Oooh! What kind of game?" I remarked "two truths, one lie. Do you know how to play?" she smirked proclaiming "pretty self explanatory isnt it?" I chuckled "alright, alright, ill go first Ive never been in a relationship, my favorite color is orange, and I love my job" she giggled "well that was obvious~" I giggled "yeah I know, just wanted to see if you understood..." her ears stood up as she thought of something "Oh! Okay... umm... I have a crush, I like the cold, and don't like being alone..." for a moment I pondered wondering which was the lie 'well its obvious she doent like being alone... she cant have a crush since he only met me..." I asked "you like the cold?" her expression froze as she confessed "Yeah! Yeah... I l-like the cold..." her tail laid across me while I took my turn "well... I play video games, have an aborble new roommate~ and love the cold" she giggled and placed a hand on my chest remarking "your making these too easy~" I chuckled remarking "yeah... I know... its hard to come up with a lie out of the blue ya know?" she nodded seemingly lost in thought, I began to pet her tail elsiting a moan from her which was caused me to stop and ask "you alright?" she blushed and buried her face in my chest explaining "Y-yeah... my tail is just sensitive~ you can keep petting my tail if you want... and me..."

Blushing I continued rubbing my hand along her fluffy tail, her fur stood up from either me or the cold outside I reached a hand up to pet her ears causing her to moan and shut her eyes nervously, I scrathed behind them elisting a coo from her, I asked while continuing my assault on her senses "does it really feel that good?" she nodded and tried to respond but whimpered out a small "N-Nya~" I blushed harder as I continued to pet her, she began to purr under my touch which was a little arousing but I shook the thought out my head while she pushed herself closer to me causing my hand to rub along her fluffy neck, the sides of her visor glowed pink and depicted hearts as she moaned against me,I felt her hands rest on my waist feeling them tremble. He breathing hitched as she squirmed under my touch I asked "are you Okay?" she didnt respond however but just cooed under my touch. I chuckled as snow blew inside of her ship suddenly covering us in snow surprising the two of us and unfortunately killing the vibe. "Oh! Yeah right the blizzard... ready to go?" she pushed herself up and nodded "y-yeah... dont want to catch a cold... let me just grab some stuff I left behind..." I nodded as she got up and walked over to a small dresser I crawled out and into the snow. Waiting a moment she walked out with a black backpack and I followed close behind her, the orange light glow emanating from her leading the way through the blinding snow abyss infront of us.

-5 minutes later-

    Once we get back to my apartment I flopped down onto my bed and snuggled up with the warm blankets while Eva stood nervously beside my bed, I reached a hand out invitingly "come here you!" she giggled and climbed atop me while I explained "Cant let my own heated blanket get cold now." she smiled and nuzzled deeper against me as we slowly drifted back to sleep.

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