Chapter 27: Gives without taking first

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(A/N: Long story short, I rushed it towards the end, and didn't include everything I wished. So delete the conclusion section of chapter 26 and added it this new chapter)

Issei arrived at Asgard after a few minutes; he had to put his Unstoppable Spear back in its unique dimension before arriving in Asgard. Still in the clothes that the Judgement Mace gave him, Issei walked up the stone pathway of Göndul's house.

As he arrived on the doorstep, he knocked hesitantly, hoping he wasn't late and slightly cursing himself for messing around with his opponents so much that he was now late. After a few seconds of knocking, the door creaks open, revealing Rossweisse.

"Issei? You're a lot earlier than we expected," Rossweisse said with a warm smile before a frown adorned her face, "I learnt the Underworld was under attack?" she asked.

"Oh hey, Rossweisse, yeah, the Underworld was under attack a moment ago; it's over", Issei answered.

"A moment ago? And it's over. What happened?" Rossweisse asked in curiosity

Issei's mouth hung open for a moment, trying to explain what exactly happened, but the entire day occurred in a flash, and so many things happened that it was hard to find a starting point. So he answered with the only thing he could.

"I happened; I saved the Underworld," Issei says with a smile.

Rossweisse's smile softened, understanding Issei's unspoken sentiments. She knew that his experiences in the Underworld must have been intense, and it wasn't easy to articulate everything that had transpired in a single moment.

Astrid, rushing down the stairs, could not contain her excitement upon seeing Issei. With a bright smile, she embraced Issei in a warm hug. "Dad, you're back!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with joy.

Issei, caught off guard by the sudden hug, chuckled and reciprocated the embrace. "Hey, Astrid. I missed you too," he replied, ruffling her silver hair affectionately.

Rossweisse observed the heartwarming scene with a soft smile. Seeing Issei and Astrid together, she couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and contentment. Their bond was evident, and it reassured her that Issei's presence brought joy to Astrid's life.

After the initial excitement of Issei's return subsided, Astrid turned to Rossweisse with a hopeful expression.

"Mom, is Dad staying over tonight?" Astrid asked, her eyes bright with anticipation.

Rossweisse's heart warmed at Astrid's request, touched by the sincerity in her adopted daughter's words. She knelt at Astrid's level and gently brushed a strand of hair away from her face.

"Well, Astrid, your dad and I do have some catching up to do. How about we spend the evening together as a family?" Rossweisse suggested, her eyes filled with affection.

Astrid's face lit up with joy at the prospect of a family evening. "Yes, please! I'd love that," she exclaimed, unable to contain her excitement.

Issei, seeing the genuine happiness in Astrid's eyes, couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth. "Sounds like a plan. Let's make it a memorable evening," he grinned.

The trio then walked inside the house, closing the door behind them. Due to the time difference between the Underworld and Asgard, there is an 8-hour difference; in the Underworld, it's 5 pm; in Asgard, it's 9 am.

Göndul emerged from another room; she welcomed Issei with a warm smile. "Issei, welcome back to Asgard. It's been a while," Göndul greeted.

With a warm smile, Issei responded, "Hello, ma'am, and I'd swear I was here at the beginning of the week."

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