Short Story 1: Movies & Stalkers

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A/N: This the short story which was added to the end of Chapter 11, I've decided to separate the two, and going forward, short stories will have it's own entry

On an ordinary day, between Issei's return to Kuoh Academy and his departure for Norway, lunchtime found him and Ravel on the school rooftops.

Ravel's eyes sparkled with excitement as she asked, "Issei, would you be up for heading to the Mall after school? There's a movie I've been wanting to watch, and I thought it could be a fun time together."

Issei, caught slightly off guard, considered the invitation, "Hmm? Yeah, sure," he replied, his tone nonchalant.

Ravel couldn't contain her delight, exclaiming, "Yay!" Little did they know, a white-haired Nekomata had been eavesdropping their conversation.

Issei, unbeknownst to them, had deliberately turned off his powers, aiming to experience life as a regular human. His decision stemmed from the annoyance of constantly being bombarded with unnecessary information, a sensory overload that others might label as "too much information."

Meanwhile, Koneko stealthily made her way to the Occult Research Club to relay the information she had overheard, setting the stage for unforeseen events to unfold.

Inside the Occult Research Club, Rias couldn't conceal her irritation as she asked, "Issei and Ravel planning a date after school?"

In Koneko's characteristic style, she straightforwardly responded, "Yeah, they're going to the Mall to watch a movie."

Akeno, her voice laced with jealousy, inquired, "And what else will they be doing at the Mall?"

Asia, innocence colouring her words, wondered, "Um, are we, like, going to, you know, watch them, just like that time when Akeno and Issei went on a date? I'm kind of curious."

Akeno, her tone dripping with suggestiveness, replied, "Well, considering what I planned on doing with him after I escaped from your sights," she teased, licking her lips.

Xenovia, curiosity getting the better of her, asked, "Were you going to make babies with Issei?"

Akeno's sadistic smirk widened as she replied, "I was planning on doing more than that."

Rias interjected sharply, "Akeno!"

Regaining her composure, Rias declared, "Very well, we shall proceed to shadow their actions. Should their intentions extend beyond mere cinematic endeavours, we shall not hesitate to intercede."

Irina chimed in enthusiastically, her eyes sparkling, "I absolutely adore that plan!"

Koneko, her attention turning to the silent Kiba, inquired, "How about you, Kiba?"

Kiba, his tone apologetic, declined, "Thanks, but no thanks. I'd rather not get on Issei's bad side, especially this new one."

After school, Issei and Ravel strolled out of the Academy, making their way to the bustling city area of Kuoh. Unbeknownst to them, a handful of curious girls discreetly followed their every move. As they entered the Mall, Ravel glanced at the movie schedule, realising the film she wanted to watch wouldn't start for another hour.

"Issei, why don't you hang tight right here? I'll take care of the movie tickets. I've got a little surprise in mind," Ravel said, her tone cheerful and eager.

"Alright," Issei agreed, settling in for a moment.

While Ravel headed to the ticket counter, Issei pondered his movie choices. "I'm really hoping this movie turns out to be interesting; the last film I saw was The Flash, and that one pretty much solidified why I won't be watching superhero movies anymore unless it's something like Matt Reeves' Batman. Now, that was a genuinely good movie or even an animated film like Spiderverse," he mused, lost in his thoughts.

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