Chapter 21: True Power

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Moments earlier, Issei found himself seated in a commanding chair, overseeing the diligent efforts of his soul-bound entities as they executed various tasks. He assumed a dictatorial role, monitoring their every move. Abruptly, a notification from the system disrupted his contemplation.

[Temporary Player has been found]

Upon reading the message, Issei's mind raced with the revelation. "Temporary player?! Does this mean someone else has the system?" He thought, a mix of shock and slight panic evident in his contemplation.

Remembering Loki was gifted the system to escape the sealing which was put in only to become a pain in the ass later on. Ever since Issei learned the system would go to anyone to test him, he had been on guard. From his relaxed position on his chair, he sits up and leans forward, solely focused on the new development.

[Temporary Player Identified: Yuuto Kiba]

Issei voiced his confusion, "Kiba? How does he-" but his query was interrupted by yet another notification.

[Awaiting your approval]

"Is he waiting for my approval? Does that imply he requires my authorisation to access the system? It wasn't the same scenario when Loki got the system; why the change now?" Issei pondered aloud.

[Would you like to see Yuuto Kiba's memories?]

[Yes] [No]

"See his memories? Sure," Issei affirmed as he selected the 'yes' option.

In that instant, Issei delved into everything Kiba experienced after leaving his dimension. He witnessed the havoc caused by the Bandersnatchs and the Jabberwocky in the Underworld. The chaos unfolded, with servants of High-Class Devils rebelling and members of the Old Satan Faction launching attacks. He learned of Ajuka Belzeebub's Kankara Formula, a concept that intrigued him. Ajuka's analysis of Issei's former chess pieces revealed that Issei's essence had corrupted them, but they could be harnessed to enhance their strength. Issei observed Kiba's brutal encounter with Siegfried, who used a doping drug to amplify his sacred gear's abilities, transforming into a monstrous entity. Witnessing Kiba's near-death experience and Rias throwing him a former pawn piece, Issei seethed with irritation.

"I'll make sure to take those Pawn Pieces from Rias when this is all over," he declared, annoyance evident in his tone.

"Although, I might be able to do something interesting," Issei mused with a smirk.

[Temporary System Approval]

[Approve] [Disapprove]

Issei opted for approval and was instantly transported to the location where Kiba currently found himself.


Kiba found himself transported to an entirely unfamiliar location. One moment, he was engaged in a battle with Siegfried, absorbing Issei's pawn piece; the next, he was strolling down a dimly lit corridor. The passageway was constructed from aged bricks and adorned with red flame torches on either side of the wall.

Advancing toward the corridor's end, Kiba discovered a throne-like room awaiting him. At its centre lay a towering stack of skeletons of various kinds, crowned by a regal throne chair. The room was illuminated by torches, revealing someone seated arrogantly on the throne. Despite the obscured features in the dark ambience, Kiba could discern a pair of glowing red eyes. Without hesitation, he recognised the eyes as belonging to Issei.

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