Chapter 4: Two Kinds of Reunion

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After a day passes since Azazel has met up with Issei in the time-dilated Dimension, he decides to make his way back to him to do another check-up.

Undenounced to him, Rias has sent her familiar to follow Azazel to find out about Issei's location.

[Ability Used: Reflection Transportation]

Azazel takes notice and calls Issei; Issei then tells Azazel what he should do. Azazel follows Issei's instructions and allows him to enter the time-dilated Dimension another way, using Issei's new reflection ability. He can travel from the outside world's reflection of the pond and into Issei's Dimension through the reflection of a sword.

Upon his arrival in the Dimension, Azazel was taken aback by Issei's extraordinary abilities and transformed appearance. Issei, now towering at Azazel's height, had significantly bulked up, his hair cascading down to his eyes.

Amused, Azazel couldn't help but tease, "Hehe, Issei. What's with that look you've got going on there?"

In response, Issei explained, "I've upgraded the time dilation to 1:320, causing nearly a year to pass within a mere day; I've aged slightly in the process."

Azazel chuckled, "Aged, you say? Well, well. So, behold! Is this the embodiment of your 'matured' 18-year-old version?"

With a hint of uncertainty, Issei replied, "I'm uncertain. I've calculated my time spent here to be approximately 400 days. Thus, I am currently 18 years old and probably edging closer to 19."

Amused by the technicalities, Azazel continued, "Hahaha, does that even count? I mean, sure, the time flow in this Dimension is a bit wonky, but technically speaking, with your birthday and all, you're still a 17-year-old at heart. It's just that you've gracefully matured into your splendid 18-year-old self!"

Issei grunted in acknowledgment, acknowledging Azazel's point.

Curious about Issei's decision to upgrade the dilation, Azazel asked "So why did you lengthen the time flow?" 

Issei revealed, "I found myself doubting my own readiness, wondering if I'm truly prepared."

Intrigued, Azazel prodded further, "And pray tell, what marvellous revelation do you bring forth?"

Issei's response was straightforward, "A boss battle."

"Boss battle?! Seems like this new power of yours is really like a video game mechanic," Azazel remarked, trying to understand Issei's perspective.

With a sigh, Issei explained, "Yeah, it's true. Over the past few months, I've faced numerous challenges, almost one each month. And through those trials, my stats and abilities have grown significantly."

"But is that not enough?" Azazel questioned, his concern evident.

"My hunger for power only intensifies with each passing moment I spend in this place," Issei confessed, emphasising his insatiable thirst for strength.

Azazel's brow furrowed as he regarded Issei, his voice laced with concern, "You make it sound like it's a bad thing."

Issei met Azazel's gaze, his eyes holding a mix of determination and inner conflict. "It's not what you think. I'm merely fulfilling my role as a Red Dragon Emperor should, craving power," he responded, his words carrying a weight of unspoken burden.

Azazel's concern deepened as he observed Issei's struggle. He couldn't help but question if what Issei was doing genuinely benefited him.

"Speaking of Dragon, how's Ddraig?" Azazel inquired, his tone softening with genuine worry for Issei's partner, his eyes searching Issei's face for any sign of distress.

The Fallen Dragon (DxD)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora