Chapter 23: God Killer

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In the dimensional gap, at the same time Issei had his metamorphosis.

Two beings stood side by side: Great Red and Ophis; they were observing the unfolding chaos in the Underworld until they felt a distinctive power resonating from the Realm of the Dead; this power was enough to rattle the entire Dimensional Gap.

In his human form, Great Red grinned, "Hmm, so he has finally awakened that power?" with a mixture of curiosity and anticipation, his voice echoing with the weight of ages past.

Memories stirred within him, recalling when Issei first glimpsed the potential of his true strength, albeit temporarily, during the onslaught of those three devils. Yet now, the surge of power coursing through the air was unmistakably more significant, an ominous harbinger of what lay ahead.

Ophis, her serpentine eyes gleaming with curiosity, nodded in agreement. "Indeed. It seems the time has come for Issei Hyoudou to embrace his true potential," she remarked in her usual unemotional tone.

Great Red's grin stretched, the thrill coursing through him. "Witness and observe as he confronts the God of the Underworld," he proposed, a gleam of anticipation shimmering in his eyes.


In the Underworld, the exact same time.

Things in the Underworld were even worse, although the residents of the Underworld were fighting the attacks of the Old Satan Faction until a high-magnitude earthquake shook the entire Underworld; thunder and lightning rained down all over the place.

As the ground trembled and the skies crackled with dark energy, the residents of the Underworld were gripped by a collective sense of foreboding. The seismic disturbance reverberated through the various layers of the Underworld, creating an ominous atmosphere.

The sudden earthquake and thunderous upheaval sent shockwaves rippling through the Underworld, causing chaos and panic among its residents. Buildings crumbled, fissures split the ground open, and screams filled the air as demons and devils scrambled for safety amidst the tumultuous disaster.

During the chaos, Sirzechs Lucifer, the current Lucifer, and Ajuka Beelzebub, the current Beelzebub, exchanged uneasy glances. They felt the disturbance in the balance of power, a force that surpassed even their expectations.

"This isn't natural. Something significant is happening," Sirzechs remarked, his crimson hair flowing as if stirred by an invisible wind.

Ajuka nodded in agreement, his analytical mind already processing the unfolding events. "It feels like the emergence of a power that transcends our understanding. We should monitor the situation closely."

As the two powerful Devils conversed, the tremors in the Underworld intensified. Dark clouds gathered above, crackling with unnatural lightning. The high-ranking Devils prepared themselves for what seemed to be an unprecedented phenomenon.

However, this wasn't the only phenomenon that occurred; the soul-bound being that Issei left behind to assist with the invasion of the Old Satan Faction roared as they powered up. The devils of the Old Satan Faction watched in horror as these red entities grew in size and power.

Then, entities approached the Devils menacingly and horrifically; shock, fear, and panic gripped their hearts as they desperately tried to destroy the entities, only to fail.

"What are you?!" one of the devils says in a voice of fear.

The soul-bound beings who couldn't talk before were now able to, clearly due to Issei's power-up.

"We are Legion. For we are many," one of the monstrous swordsman entities says in a deep, menacing, distorted voice.

However, this message was said through all entities fighting all over the Underworld, all with the same voice despite being from different creatures.

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