Chapter 24: Judge, Jury and Executioner

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A/N: I've been seeing a lot of DxD TikToks on my fyp recently, and I've seen an increase in viewership of my fanfic. Is there a new wave?

"You refuse to submit? Fine, I guess I'll do this the fun way," Issei replies with a sadistic smirk.

Issei's sadistic smirk sent a chill through the air, an ominous prelude to the impending escalation of the confrontation. Having witnessed the extent of Issei's power, the peerage braced themselves for whatever twisted method he had in mind.

Without warning, Issei vanished from his spot, leaving an afterimage after his sudden movement. In the blink of an eye, he reappeared before Heracles, delivering a lightning-fast punch that sent the hero flying back, crashing into the remnants of a shattered building.

The sudden burst of violence caught everyone off guard. Jeanne, still recovering from the shock of Issei's unrestrained power, attempted to retaliate, but before she could make a move, Issei reappeared before her, a sinister grin on his face.

With a swift motion, Issei disarmed Jeanne of her sword, rendering her powerless. The once-confident Hero Faction member found herself at the mercy of the True Devil's merciless assault.

The True Devil's onslaught continued with each punch and kick, which was calculated and brutal. Heracles struggled to rise, the overwhelming force of Issei's attacks keeping him pinned down. Disarmed and defenceless, Jeanne could only watch Issei execute his ruthless justice.

"Considering the situation, it's evident that the girl is nearing her breaking point. With a bit more pressure, she'll likely divulge the information I seek," Issei calculates, his confidence evident in the subtle smirk that graces his lips as he observes Heracles and Jeanne.

Issei directs his glowing red eyes at Jeanne, who flinches from the intensity. In Jeanne's mind, self-preservation kicked in. As Issei's piercing gaze bore into Jeanne, the Hero Faction member felt a surge of panic and desperation. Her composure, already shattered by the True Devil's onslaught, crumbled further under the weight of his relentless scrutiny.

The sinister smirk on Issei's face deepened as he observed Jeanne's mental struggle. He could practically taste the fear emanating from her, and he revelled in the psychological torment he was inflicting.

Jeanne, her mind racing, weighed her options. The fear of the True Devil before her, the reminder of Hades's death, and the overwhelming pressure of the situation pressed down on her. In a moment of vulnerability, she made a decision fueled by desperation.

She leaps back and pulls out a syringe gun; Issei recognises the syringe from Kiba's memories, the same one Siegfried had used to become a monster. The others observing in the background realised what she was about to do.

"She's going to use it again?!" cried Irina

Hearing this, Issei's eyes narrowed, "Again? They can use this 'Chaos Drive' more than once in a single day?" he thinks.

Seeing what Jeanne is about to do, Heracles shouts in concern, "Jeanne! No! You know the risks involved when using it more than once!" he shouts with an outstretched arm towards Jeanne, pledging her to use Chaos Drive once again.

Jeanne, undeterred by Heracles's warning, injected herself in the neck with the contents of the syringe, a surge of dark energy enveloping her form. Her eyes glowed unnaturally as the power of the Chaos Drive coursed through her veins, transforming her. She grew a long snake-like appendage around her waist, making her look like a Lamia. The others who fought her earlier recognised this form as they had already seen it.

However, the transformation didn't stop there as the tail became metallic and had blades covering it, almost armour. And out from here back burst out a dragon-like wing made out of swords.

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