3.5k special! The God's Game behind the scenes!

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Yes, Author somehow managed to bag her high school crush who is far beyond her league by using her writings as bait.

The friend group fell apart few years later, though some of them still stay friends. Author can't read them without getting severe nostalgia, likewise, don't write that genre anymore.

4. Author is a bit of a simp for her partner, so she has written them letters for about six years now. Most of letters contain bedtime stories Author made to keep them entertained at night because they have trouble falling asleep. The only published one of this me x my crush genre is "Stardust".

5. Author wrote bts fanfics.

Author will not elaborate.

2. The God's Game- previous versions.

As this Author mentioned previously The God's Game, she writes today had some previous versions.

1. An evil high priestess named Elva Raynott and her adopted son Aithan Raynott,  confines the dragon lord in a shrine after killing his clan to defend Callidora and the only egg they couldn't destroy hatches into a dragon spirit named Ember Whitlock and he comes to rescue the Dragon Lord from his prison.

The dragon lord was named Raven Alistair. Yes, he got demoted from a literal demonic overlord to whatever mess he is today.

2. The second version was about a kingdom that had a sanctuary full of mythical beasts who had pledged loyalty to the king. They protect the kingdom in return of kingdom nurturing them. This was the origin story of how West Schulz came into existence.

3. River Verlice only made it to the story in the final version. Which was originally written from his first person POV. Then author had an very evil idea and changed the pov.

3. The God's Game

This story was heavily influenced by danmei. In fact, being awestruck by Erha is what made Author start writing again after a four year long hiatus.

With that being said, don't read Erha.

If you are not familiar with what danmei is, google it.

To put it loosely, it's the genre MDZS belongs to, which inspired the hit drama series "Untamed".

Now if you don't know what Untamed is, you need to immediately come out from the rock you are living under.

While this Author has no talent to write such a masterpiece, MDZS, TGCF , SVSSS , YUWU and Erha were the books that inspired this Author to write an intricate, layered plotline with lore and good, complex characters.

Another part of the inspiration came from AOT and Haikyuu. Don't ask this Author which part, for she does not know.

She only has two goals with The God's Game.
1. To write a good story.
2. Write it to the end.

The God's Game; behind the scenes

This Author is not joking when she says that she has 400 pages of plot planned.

She actually does.

Her unruly children do not stick to it.

While the story is going in the planned direction, it's like taking a stroll with a wild litter of unleashed chihuahuas.  There's no telling which one would run off to where, leaving Author no choice but to follow.

So, while the base concept remains, the actual story is constantly getting broken down and reconstructed at least three times per hour.

Sometimes Author gets a cool idea and just can't eat until she writes it, even if it does not fit the initial narrative. Sometimes this idea gets inspired by a song or a Pinterest quote, you'd never know. 

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