Partyyy ... with consequences

Start from the beginning

In the meantime, Alena was pretty sure she was gonna die. Her mind was racing, trying to figure out why this was happening, while clutching on to the table for dear life, as the room began spinning.

The last thing she heard was her Mom's voice, muffled and far away sounding, almost as if she was being smothered by a pillow. After that, everything went black.

Natashas POV:

,,Alena, детка свет (baby light), hey, can you hear me? Peter, go get Banner, she's not breathing"

Natasha ordered, her tone more panicked than anyone had ever heard her be. She held the 17 year old in her arms, trying to find a pulse while listening to her daughter's weak breathing.

Minutes later, Bruce showed up, Peter in tow, his expression worried. The doctor looked at the redhead with a questioning look, as all Peter had done was ramble.


Nat asked, slipping her arms underneath her daughter's legs before lifting her up. She let out a stifled sigh. This definitely had been easier about 10 years ago.


Banner nodded, leading the way. He had his suspicions, but they couldn't know for sure until they ran some tests. All they knew was as much as ;

This. Was. Urgent.

Around 30 minutes later, Alena was tucked into a bed at the medbay, still barely breathing. The redhead had been unconscious for about 45 minuted now, almost flat-lining multiple times.

Bruce had taken some blood for examination, but hadn't returned yet.

Natasha sat at her daughter's bed, clutching her hand, occasionally stroking hair from her face. Steve paced around the room, trying to figure out what in the world Alena could've done to end up in mortal danger.

,,I know what happened"

Tony's voice broke the silence that had broken over the room, leaning in the doorway. He looked really pissed, his brows furrowed and lips curled into a deep frown.

Natasha and Steve turned to the billionaire. Both were curious to know what exactly had happened.

,,It's hydra. Bastards snuck into the party and slipped something in Mini Romanoff's drink"

Tony explained, clearing his throat before placing a tiny container onto the table in front of them. Nat picked it up, examining the white power in it.

,,What is it?"

She asked, meeting his eyes. The genius scoffed.

,,Botulinum toxin A. Highly lethal, difficult to trace in the human system and easy to cover up. Oh and, practically incurable"

He explained, earning a look from Natasha that he hadn't ever seen her have. The pure fear in her eyes was something nobody had believed they'd see.

,,What do you mean, incurable?? So she's just gonna-"

She whispered, her voice breaking before she could finish the sentence. Natasha had never been more fuming, anxious and heartbroken in her life, thinking about how her light, the love of her life, her miracle could just ... die.

,,Not quite. We found something, very prototypical, but we could try it"

Bruce entered the room, holding a small syringe with clear fluid inside. Apparently he'd overheard the last part of the conversation.

Steve and Nat looked up, hope flooding back through them. This was an opportunity they couldn't miss.

,,Hit her"

The latter instructed, squeezing her husband's hand so tight that he let out a stifled hiss of pain. They watched as Banner injected the antidote into Alena's limp forearm, praying that it would work.

Around 30 minutes later, they noticed a change in the 17 year olds vitals. Her heart beat began regulating, beating at a normal force again. Natasha let out a relieved sigh. Her little girl would be okay!!

Now it was the waiting game until Alena actually woke up. But, the good news was, that she would wake up.

Natasha sang to her and stayed with her the whole time, humming all of her favourite songs and gently stroking her hair.

It was safe to say that this had been one of the most stressful nights of the avengers lives, which luckily, took a turn for the better..

A/N: OHHHKAY, heyyy, I've made it my mission to post at least once a week, sooo, here you go :))
I really hope you like it bc I the time spent researching for this is ridiculous. Seriously, after this oneshot I'm probably on the fbi watch list bc I searched for so many poisons I could use lol (FoxXFlamethrower suggested a mushroom, but wouldn't tell me its name so the search continued xD)
Anyways, have a great day/night, stay amazing and I'll see you around <33

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