Pregnant with little light

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Word count: 1091
Summary: Natasha and Steve are expecting a baby. This brings lots of core memories with it.
Requested by: EveAngela9 thanks for your request <3

Ever since Natasha got pregant, Steve was constantly near her, always making sure she was okay and most importantly, always feeling her belly to hope for the first kick

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Ever since Natasha got pregant, Steve was constantly near her, always making sure she was okay and most importantly, always feeling her belly to hope for the first kick.

Nat was only 4 months pregant, so the possibility of the baby kicking was rather slim.

The couple was additionally discussing baby names early on.

Though they didn't know the gender yet, Natasha dreamt of having a daughter.

She wanted the baby to be healthy of course, but she certainly wouldn't be sad if it turned out to be a girl.

,,Look, Lubov has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?"

The redhead pointed to a name in a book that she and Steve were skimming through.

,,We don't even know the gender and all you do is look at girl names. What if our little light turns out to be a boy?"

Steve joked, his hand, once again, resting on his girlfriends stomach.

Natasha cracked a soft smile. She was more than excited for her little light to finally arrive.

,,If it turns out to be a boy, we could still pick out a name for him. I just kinda have a feeling that the little one is a girl"

She explained, her gaze fixated on her boyfriends eyes.

Steve gave her an affectionate smile.

,,Lubov does sound good, but what if we name her Alena? Alena Lubov maybe?"

He suggested softly.

Natashas gaze softened even more. She loved the name.

Why? It was perfect for their little light because Alena meant, well, Light and Lubov meant Love.

,,Its perfect"

She smiled before planting a soft kiss onto her boyfriends lips.


Another month flew by in no time and Natasha started to show. The baby bump had grown rapidly and you could definitely tell she was pregnant now.

Although she loved being pregnant, one thing she loathed was the constant need to pee.

So, one beautiful Sunday, Steve and Natasha went for a walk in the park.

,,Hold on, I need the toilet real quick"

The assasin informed as she saw the bathroom nearby.

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