"Daddy, Do you love Mama?"

840 24 5

Age: 4
Word count: 980
Summary: Alena is home alone with her dad and all of a sudden, she begins to ask very deep questions.

Natasha was out for the day, doing mission reports at the compound, whilst Steve and Alena settled into their new apartment up the street.

The family of three had moved 2 weeks ago, but up until two nights ago, they'd been sleeping at the compound until all their belongings were stored and the space was a little tidier.

Still, it took some getting used to be completely alone, without Tony's sassy remarks, Thor discovering new things and being happy about it, Clint's arrows lying around everywhere or Bruce's science talk when going for coffee.

Alena had taken the whole thing pretty well, mainly because they lived a 2 minute walk from the compound, so whenever she felt like it, she just called one of the avengers to come get her to play.

But today wasn't one of those days. The little girl was completely fine playing with her dolls, which she'd already left all around the apartment.

,,Hi daddy"

She chirped as her dad entered the room and sat down on the couch behind her. Steve smiled, ruffling his Kid's hair as she greeted him.

,,Hey little light"

He sighed and watched her play for a while. He'd just returned from an overnight mission and was therefore pretty tired.

Alena observed her dad's every movement, immediately picking up on the fact that he was exhausted. The redhead was a considerate child, always helping others, dropping everything just to check on the people she loved and picking up on their emotions quickly.

,,Are you tired, Dad?"

She asked, her eyes wide as she dropped her dolls. Steve laughed a little at his daughter's sweet attempt to find out how he was doing.

,,Just a little, baby light. No need to worry"

He assured, even though if he was honest, he was really tired. Alena raised an eyebrow, giving her one of the most adorable facial expressions. At the same time, she resembled her mother more than anyone with that face.


She thought for a moment.

,,I'm sooooo tired, daddy, will you snuggle with me?"

Alena then asked, giving a long yawn while stretching her arms to her sides. Seconds later, she'd crawled onto the couch, into her father's embrace.

,,Of course, my love"

Steve smiled, throwing a blanket over the both of them as his daughter cuddled into his side. The little redhead took a few moments to get comfortable, but then, she'd found the perfect position.

Moments of silence went by, father and daughter cuddled together on their couch, enjoying their time together.

But then, Alena seemed to have a burning question which was impossible to hold back.

,,Daddy, who do you love the most, me or Mama?"

She asked, genuine curiosity swinging with her voice. Alena was at an age where she began to pick up on how people felt about each other, and she'd noticed that her parents seemed to like each other a lot.

For an adult or an older child, this wasn't surprising, since the two of them had been going strong for almost 6 years now, but for Alena, it was mindblowing, how two people could love each other as much as her parents did.

,,Of course I do, baby light. Why do you ask?"

Steve smiled, stroking a piece of hair behind his daughter's ear. The girl cuddled into his side shrugged.

,,Do you love me?"

She continued, her eyes beginning to get heavy. The snuggling actually made her pretty tired herself. Still, she was still awake enough to ask questions.

Her dad let out a little chuckle. Little did Alena know how much he actually loved her.

,,A lot, my little light. More than you know"

The supersoldier answered truthfully, wondering how he managed to have such a sweet, considerate, bubbly child for a daughter with the love of his life.

,,I think you love Mama the most. Because you always get her flowers and, and that pretty necklace for her birthday and you always kiss her on the mouth"

Alena pointed out, giggling at the last part. She couldn't imagine loving someone the way her dad loved her mom, but she found it sweet.

,,I do love your Mama very much. But I love you just as much, just in a different way"

Steve explained, his eyes rested on his little light, who by this point could barely keep her eyes open.

,,I love you too daddy"

Alena whispered, fighting the urge to close her eyes. A yawn escaped her lips, only this time it wasn't faked. Soon, the 4 year old had fallen asleep, her head rested on her dad's chest and an arm across his torso. Steve chose to take a nap himself, drifting off to sleep a few minutes later.

And thats exactly how Natasha found the two people she loved most in the world when she got home that evening. A smile lingered on her lips when she saw the two of them so at peace.

The assasin sat down, pressing a soft kiss to her 4 year old's forehead, before getting under the covers.

It had been a long day, but coming home to a sight like this made it all worth it. Natasha was glad to have found the people she'd give the world to protect. Glad to be able to have this family, when just 5 years ago, she'd never dared to dream about something like this.

A/N: More little Alena for you, because I love her :,) I thought I'd give you a little more Steve and Alena, since I write too few of the bond those two have.
Anyways, I really hope you enjoyed, have a great day/night, stay amazing and I'll see you around <33

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