Chapter Twenty-Six: Split

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 Kusuke sat in his lab, leaning back on his chair with a glass of whiskey in his hand. It was late and he was the only one there during this late hour, looking over the city he watched be built before his very own eyes. The city was a glorious sight at night, he couldn't deny that. He had to hand it to his brother. When people are squeezed hard enough, it's incredible what they can accomplish. Fear, guilt, pain– they are our greatest motivators. A fraction of the abominable human spirit.

He sat staring at the walls that surrounded the city. They were the very bricks that were protecting the ones inside from the virus. However, Kusuke had other things that vexed him beyond these walls. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a crumpled piece of paper that was taped back together. He had ripped it in a fit of rage earlier on. The papers contained documents regarding the serum extracted from Kuboyasu. Defective, it read. He grit his teeth. "How can this be?" He was so sure it was going to work this time. He thought he was one step closer to finding a cure and yet now here he is– having to worry about the virus possibly going airborne. He was so angry– fuming– that he could call for Kuboyasu's permanent extraction right at this very moment. But then people really would call him inhumane. If he could, he would hunt down every last possible immune and exsanguinate them all. He had faith in Teruhashi, but she's just a mascot after all. She's only here to draw attention away from himself and she played her role perfectly.

He is not giving up. There was something he was missing here. A piece to the puzzle that he hadn't found yet. He will not allow his research to go to waste.

The bag was taken off of Teruhashi's head, she wasn't tied up or anything like that, she could still move freely but was far too afraid to. Her heart beat fast and her eyes scanned the room rapidly. They were all people she had recognized, including Saiki. All were staring at her, but she was shocked to see Saiko's eyes staring back at her as well. "Saiko, you survi–"

"Quiet." He said harshly. "We're gonna ask you some questions... and it would be in your best interest to answer them."

Toritsuka huffed, shaking his head at the sight of her. "Damn. And to think I was happy to have you in our maze." Aiura slapped him upside the head for that. "Ouch!"

"Tell us where Aren is." Kaidou spoke, his arms crossed as he leant against a table. "We know you have him."

Teruhashi avoided their gaze. "He's..." She paused to take a breath. "He's in holding. Cell block level 3."

"You put him in a cell?" Kaidou's mouth fell slightly agape, his worry for his friend increasing.

"It's not the type of cell you're thinking of. I promise you he's safe."

"How many others are trapped in there?" Saiki eyes, his eyes glowering.

"Twenty-eight.." Teruhashi replied timidly.

"I could make that work." Aiura grinned, messing with her crystal ball in her left palm.

"No, no!" Teruhashi shook her head. "You guys don't get it, it's a restricted area. You can't get in without a thumbprint ID."

"That's why you're coming with us."

"That's impossible, facial recognition will immediately pin you–"

"You're gonna help us with that too."

"..." Teruhashi quieted, realizing there was no reasoning with them...

The group started to get their things together. Matsuzaki was oddly quiet, less authoritative than usual...

"What's gotten into you?" Aiura asked.

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