(PART THREE) Chapter Twenty-One: Re-Routed

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    Two Months later...

    A car zipped down the dirt pathway on the outskirts of the ruined city. It swerved when it made a sharp turn, kicking up dust and dirt as it stopped with a loud squeak next to the train tracks. Matsuzaki and Aiura sat in the two front seats, Aiura sitting with her arms crossed over an old rifle– handed down to her from what was left of the Resistance.

    Matsuzaki held a two-way radio up to his mouth and pressed a button, speaking to someone on the other side of it. "How's it looking, Akechi?"

    "Great!" The blonde boy answered. "They should be coming up on your right-hand side! Be ready."

    "Over." The man then nodded to Aiura, who grinned in return, opening the roof window above her and standing up. She took the rifle in her hands and placed it on her seat.

    "Here they come! They're coming up quick too!"

A train whistled loudly as the sound of the car next to it moved quickly– a side by side chase. There was one driver and two people– one in the passenger seat and the other in the back. The driver, a purple haired boy with a headband recognizable enough to be Toritsuka, had his foot slammed on the gas. The light blue haired boy in the back, Kaidou, holding what seemed to be a stun grenade, and the pink haired boy in the passenger seat– the one most ready for action. Saiki held onto the roof of the car as his body hung halfway out the window– his body closest to the train.

    "Saiki!" Toritsuka yelled to him. "I'm gonna try and get as closest to the train as possible, alright?!"

    The boy gave a nod in understanding back to him and turned his body back outside. When Toritsuka inched the car close enough to the train– specifically between train cars– Saiki reached his hand out and tried to grasp at the handrail on the backside of the train car. "Get closer!" He yelled at Toritsuka.

    "I think this is the closest I could get!"

    "Damn..." He looked below him to see a gap between the train and the car. He was unsure whether or not he'd be able to jump it, but he had to try. He ducked back into the car and flung the door open. It scraped against the side of the train before it flung off its metal hinges, tumbling behind them into the distance. The wind tore through Saiki's hair, pushing it around messily. He had more room to jump now, his chances of making it much higher.

    "Be careful!" Kaidou yelled at him from the back seat. "Want me to jump after you?"

    Saiki turned, upon doing so his hair got into his eye from underneath his green tinted glasses. He swiped it away and spoke. "I might need a hand. Are you ready? Let me jump first and then you follow."

    Kaidou nodded his head, determined. The pink haired boy then turned his attention back to the train cart and looked down between the car and the train once more, seeing the ground moving past him quickly– quick enough that if he tripped, he would surely meet his end. With a deep breath, he leapt from the edge of the car door frame and when he felt cold metal beneath his calloused hands, he let the breath go. He maneuvered his way in between two train carts, at the edge where the large metal clasp connecting the two held. Before he focused on disconnecting them, he held out his hand to Kaidou who had moved to where Saiki once was before. Kaidou looked scared, and Saiki could see him visibly shaking with nervousness as he looked down at the ground below him. "Just look forward." Saiki said to him. "You can do this."

Those words motivated Kaidou along with the fact that if he didn't jump now, he'd probably mess up the rest of the plan. So with a sharp breath in, he took his leap of faith. "Ah!"

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