Chapter Nineteen: The Resistance

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 Saiki had the window down as they drove. By now, they were well out of the city and were now driving through jagged hills dusted over in sand mixed with dirt. Saiki took in the air through his nostrils. It seemed fresher than the city, he felt like he could breathe better.

But when he turned his head to Aiura, that feeling disappeared immediately. No one else knew about her injury but Saiki, and he knew that if either one of them decided not to tell someone soon, then something bad would surely happen. But for now, he let everyone enjoy the car ride.

The car ride went like this: Teruhashi sat in the passenger's seat, Saiki, Aiura, and Toritsuka in the middle seats, and Akechi, Kuboyasu, and Kaidou in the back seats.

Kuboyasu opened his window and made some kind of battle cry in his enthusiasm and pride for getting this far. He then turned to Kaidou, who was utterly amused. They laughed with each other happily and took turns. It wasn't until Aiura told them to shut the hell did they decide to stop and do something else.

Akechi was busily writing stuff down in a small notebook he had picked up in Chouno's room, probably writing notes about where they're going, who they're going to see, or what they've all been through already. Saiki took a small peek over his shoulder, only to see that he was just doodling random pictures, causing the pink haired boy to smile slightly and then let his gaze fall back out the window.

Toritsuka and Aiura chatted beside Saiki and he chimed in every now and then, taking Aiura's side every time her and Toritsuka started to argue. It was quite amusing to see Toritsuka get so dejected.

Teruhashi sat silently in the front. She was usually in her own world and space as Saiki had noticed over time. She never really got close with anyone else in the group and always seemed to be just out of reach... Saiki didn't dare burst her bubble. She seemed to be deep in thought about something.

Matsuzaki slowly pulled up before coming to a stop. They were between a mountain and a cliff and in front of them seemed to be a trail of abandoned cars blocking their path that led to a cave not far in front of them. They all exited the vehicle. "Everyone stay back." Matsuzaki spoke, going into protective mode.

Saiki made sure to listen to Matsuzaki's advice, however, he got curious and stepped towards the nearest vehicle. When he came close enough, he rested his hand on the hood. He froze. 'The engine is still warm...' The moment he opened his mouth to warn Matsuzaki, he was interrupted by an array of bullets raining down on them from God knows where, being shot through the swarm of cars and dirt ground below.

"Get down!!" The man yelled, diving behind one of the vehicles. Everyone else did the same and took cover. Saiki dove forward next to Matsuzaki and covered his head with his arms for protection. A minute later, the bullets ended and the dust cleared. "Everyone alright?"

"Yeah..." "we're alright..." everyone replied and Saiki could see Matsuzaki calculating everyone's voices to make sure everyone answered. When he was sure everyone was alright, he took a breath of relief. "Chouno screwed us." He hissed.

"What do we do now?" Saiki asked, looking over to him.

"Those bullets came from over that hill there." He pointed a little ways northeast from where they were. He then took his backpack off and sifted through it until he took out a strange device.

'What the hell is that?'

"An explosive." He replied. "When I pull this pin, I'm gonna throw it. When that happens, we make a run for it." He then peeked his head up. "When you hear the explosion, everyone gets ready to run!!" He warned everyone. "Oh, and cover your ears!" He got off his knees and onto his feet, still ducked down behind the cars but in a better position. "On the count of three." He told Saiki. The pink hair boy nodded, adrenaline rushing through his veins from the anticipation. "One... two... thr–"

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