Chapter Twenty-Four: The Return of Humanity

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When the group were finally able to get down into the outskirts of the wall, into the small communities that surrounded it. Saiki was horrified at the conditions these people were living in. It was far worse than the scorch, even though there were so many more people inside the walls that could easily get to them and help them. It wasn't as clear in the scorch as it was out here. People were dying. Bodies are being piled into trucks and then driven away, people wrapped themselves in whatever clothing they could find, smoke from fires that were dwindling away filled the air. The crowds were something else. Crowds in the street were shoulder to shoulder, most going in the same direction. "The doors should be this way, that's probably where all these people are going." Saiki said as he was about to walk forward with the rest.

"Hang on a moment," Matsuzaki grabbed his shoulder. "Going with the crowd could be dangerous. They're not going to the door to be let in. They're going to try and force their way in."


A car behind them rolled up slowly, people with firearms, bullet proof vests, and masks to hide their identity occupied the vehicle. "Open up the doors! Open up the doors!" They chanted from a speaker. "We will not be left to rot! There are more of us than there are of them! We will not stand to be turned to dust! Open the doors!"

"I don't have a good feeling about this..." Kaidou said, clutching the straps of his backpack.

"We should turn back and figure something out." Aiura said.

"No." Saiki replied, shaking his head. "We're here now. So we should at least see what we're working with. We need to scout out the area or we won't be able to make any decisions." he looked around and saw a place on the offside of the road that was hidden, but it gave them a clearer view of the wall. "Let's go over there and hide out for a bit." As they made their way over to the place hidden underneath a covering, aircrafts from LMTLSS had arrived overhead. Saiki wasn't worried they'd be caught amidst the crowd, but he threw his hoodie over his pink hair anyways to hide. He was glad Aiura had taken out those trackers when she did. What they hadn't taken into account was the incredible identification scan that the city had placed around the walls that had an equally incredible reach. Their retina had been scanned without knowledge, sending a signal to the border HQ.

Five small red dots had shown up on the screen of border HQ, profiles immediately being displayed on every worker's computer.

Shun Kaidou: Status Level 5 Fugitive Recognized...

Reita Toritsuka: Status Level 5 Fugitive Recognized...

Aiura Mikoto: Status Level 5 Fugitive Recognized...

Taro Matsuzaki: Status Level 5 Fugitive Recognized...

Kusuo Saiki: Status Level 5 Fugitive Recognized...

The workers immediately flagged each notification, alerting LMTLSS headquarters deep in the city that their targets have been found.

They took shelter underneath the covering, Saiki stood atop a crate to try and get a better look as to what was going on at the doors. His eyes widened when they opened with a loud rusted screech. 'They're opening...?' LMTLSS soldiers poured out in trucks, each holding a personal shield and firearm strapped to their backs. One had a loudspeaker, ready to speak to the agitated crowd that seemed to be getting worse and worse.

"It's getting dangerous out there." Matsuzaki said.

"But they opened the doors. This could be our way in." Saiki replied, keeping his eyes hooked onto the large metal doors that stood wide open in front of them, but it was covered with military personnel– LMTLSS soldiers. Saiki's gaze did not deter from the door in front of him, even as Matsuzaki told him it wasn't a safe option. But to Saiki it was so taunting. That door is the easiest way in at this very moment. If they found a way to get through now, then the rest of their plan would be much easier to play out. Even if it is tight, he's sure he could get through without being seen. He's gotten out of bad situations before without there being any real explanation as to why.

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