Chapter Sixteen: Remember Me, Please

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"..." Saiki stared at the girl, furrowing his brows. He was skeptical of her. As far as he was concerned, he's never seen her before. "You... know me?"

"..." For a brief moment, there was a look of deep sadness on the girl's face before she shook it off and spoke. "Come on. I'll get all of you to safety."

This mysterious girl had taken the group up a large flight of stairs and up to the top floor of the tall building. On their way there, they passed by lots of other people– doing leisure activities. Playing cards, writing, fixing things up around the building. What bugged Saiki the most was the amount of weapons these people held. He seemed to see that another leisure activity– mostly by the men in the building, was knife throwing. "Ignore those big oafs. They aren't the brainiest guys here." The willowy haired girl rolled her eyes as she walked past them.

They finally walked over to a corner of the top floor with a curtain covering it. A light revealed the silhouette of a tall man with somewhat large muscles. "Matsuzaki." The girl called him. "We have some new visitors."

The silhouette of the man stood, tall and brooding. "Do we, now?" he walked out into the view of the group. He was, indeed, a tall and strong looking man, with black hair and a beard that looked like it had been shaved down. His expression was stoic coming out... though the moment he took a look at the kids in front of him, his brows became undone and his mouth fell slightly agape. "You've gotta be kidding me..."

"We don't mean to intrude–" Kaidou began to say, feeling intimidated, but he was quickly interrupted.

"Intrude?" The man laughed heartily. "Why would my own students be intruding?"

'... Student's?' The group looked at each other with confusion.

The man seemed to notice their dilemma, and his smile dropped slightly. "Hm... Makes sense they would put you all in the maze..." His eyes lingered around the group until his eyes landed on Saiki and his expression contorted into something more on edge, maybe even angry. "I never thought I'd see you here, Saiki."

"Huh?" Saiki locked eyes with the man. 'Do I know this man...?'

"To think that you would show your face in the city is baffling to me." He stepped closer, arms crossed. The rest of the group stepped away, feeling a bit afraid and unsure, but Saiki stood his ground.

"I don't want any trouble, sir."

"I'm not gonna do anything to hurt you. I would never hurt my students, even if they make stupid mistakes. But then again, I swore to protect what I have now from LMTLSS..." He sighed. "I'm sorry, Saiki. But you're not welcome here."

'... Not welcome?' This was shocking and all the more confusing to the pink haired boy. He knew of his dicey past with LMTLSS, but could it really have been so bad for this man to ban him from the whole building? What could he have possibly done?

"What?!" Toritsuka exclaimed. "You can't kick him out! He's our friend!"

"There's no reason to be so skeptical. We're all in the same boat here." Akechi tried to reason.

"We're not staying if he's going." Kuboyasu furrowed his brows, about ready to go toe to toe with this man.

"I highly suggest listening to me if you want to stay safe from LMTLSS. I don't see a reason to trust any employee of an organization that thrives off of taking advantage of others."

"But Saiki isn't part of that!" Kaidou exclaimed.

'Actually, I was...' The pink haired boy sighed. 'He does have a right to kick me out. I may not remember him, but he obviously has a good reason not to trust me considering my relationship with LMTLSS...' He looked back at his friends, who were all willing to leave with him if that was the case. 'I can't let them do that...' "I'll leave."

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