Chapter 15

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"So how are you enjoying married life so far?" Sally's father asked over dinner. He arrived this morning for a business summit and our father thought it wise to have another family gathering at the house, "I hope my daughter isn't giving you any headache, I know how stubborn she can be."

"Dad!" Sally wails.

"No, we are fine." I bite out.

"Any pregnancy signs or are you waiting to surprise us with the news?" He added.

My hand tightened on my glass and I took in a long, purposeful sip. They say alcohol is supposed to make this reunion a lot more tourable but yet I'm left with a repulsive taste in my mouth, "Dad, children would happen at the right time. Besides, we just got married, we need time." Sally instigated. I rather she not feed into their delusions.

"Children are blessings, you shouldn't be afraid of taking the next step." Mr. Okafor continued to test my patience, I was one second away from flipping tables and walking into a moving train, "We could show you some tricks." He tugged at my father and laughed, "There's no shame in seeking counsel for these things, we have all been there, it's no big deal."

"Youre very wise, sir. I see why Father hasn't let you out of his sight." I said sternly.

The man laughed roughly.

I used to hate him when I was younger. He and my father were a hard pair, Mr. Okafor was my father's business partner and advisor, he was older and never thought it wise to pull my father in the right direction, rather he instigated him.

I once heard him tell my father to cut off James from the family registry if he wasn't going to be part of the company, as a form of punishment.

"Have you started the campaign for the new construction?" My father cut in finally, he was quietly listening to all the nonsense we were spilling, I guess he couldn't take it anymore, "People are talking negatively about your promotion because it affects your intention, so you can't be careless ."

"Yes, father."

"Arrange a meeting with the president I mentioned before, it seems like a very impatient strategy, but the sooner it's completed it's better, and speaking of an heir, Mr. Okafor is right, you two didn't get married and waste all that money on a wedding to be traveling upon and down. Do the needful, that's why I got you two married."

"We are...working on it," I say uncomfortably. I rather not be having bedroom talk at the dinner table with my father and father-in-law.

"The wedding was three months ago and still you have nothing to show for it." he reminded me. "Carol and I had James within weeks." He talks about James like he's his only son, has all my efforts been in vain?

"It is still too early to be having this conversation. Sally and I are going to take our time to decide on having children because we want to be prepared for when that happens." I wanted to clear the matter once and for all.

"Young people these days, they think they are wiser and know everything." Mr. Okafor instigates the fire, "How are you going to take over your father's company without a successor at hand?"

"Exactly. I have two sons but none of them are acceptable... My eldest son wants to be a traveler, galavanting the whole country, instead of sitting in one place and taking care of his responsibilities, the other one would rather be wasting his time chasing silly fantasies.... I wonder who they take after."

Who else...

By Silly Fantasies, he meant Dabe. I'm not surprised he knows about her.

"I am giving you two months to share the news, and clear me from this shame of having to be reminded I raised two worthless sons. Two months or forget about taking over the company."

I took a deep breath and sighed through my nose, Sally reached under the table and grabbed my hand.

I smiled at her in appreciation before withdrawing my hand.

"If you must, envisage that mistress you have and get the job done."

Something in me snaps, "Excuse me." I hold myself back and storm out of the table, I've worked so damn hard to get here and I would not ruin it over some little comment, it's not the first neither would it be the last time he would try to get under my skin, I just have to focus and what's important. Ugh, what's all this for anyway? What am I even trying to achieve? Since I can remember proving that I was not just some illegitimate child is all I've ever wanted but now it all seems useless.

I knock came on the door followed by Sally's worried face.

"Are you okay?" She slowly approached me.

I compose myself and turn to her,

"What's this about a mistress?" I was hoping she wouldn't ask, so I didn't have to lie more than I am, "Do I need to know who it is?"

"It's over, that's all you need to know," I partly lied.

"Is it? Is that why you've been acting distant?" because I can't stop thinking about her and I hate myself for playing these games, rather than just being with her.

"I chose you, Sally? That's all that matters." I sighed.

"I want my husband not to be thinking of another woman while being with me, why did you even marry me if you would rather be with someone else?"

"I didn't say that."

"You're implying it. Clearly, you rather be with whoever this woman is, I don't even want to know her name at this point."

"Then let's not talk about her, it's not important."

We both go silent, analyzing the situation.

"Is it really over between you two?"

"Yes, it's over.." The war is in my head.

"Do you still want to be married to me?" Do I still want to win over my father's company? Yes, as tedious as that sounds, yes, I want to be his successor.

"Yes...I like being married to you." Another lie, how many more are there? "What about you? Do you still want to do this with me?"

"I'm your wife, I like being your wife minus all the drama of course."

"Good, then let's do that, let's stay married."

She fell in my arms and raised her chin to me, "You are never to see, call or text her again. Or help me God, Andy. I would burn this whole house down with us in it. I mean it... I really mean it."

I let out a laugh, not sure why I was lying, the woman just threatened to commit murder-suicide if she caught me in an affair, I can't imagine what she would do if she found out who this mystery woman was, so far she thinks I just had a fling with Dabe in high school. I would like to keep it that way, for all our sakes. "Our marriage feels a little undignified but at least there is still something secret, intimate between us even when nothing else in our lives is private, not even our sex life." She said.

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